Chapter 9 (1)

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- You don't know what is life if you never fully live it!!
- You want to teach me how to live life !?
- I'll be glad!!

- Excuse me! You yell at the principal and your mom moved with you, if my mom did that every time I had trouble with a school I'd be in China by now! Cassandra yell when I told her all the story with Mia.

- Nathalie Norton, you are someone! Fight back to bullies, it's not everyday you heard of it!

- Yeah I know, but it was only for one week though, she thought I stole her boyfriend from her and the funny part it's that she said I had no rights when she did that to a thousand of girls but she seems to forget about it when it happens to her.

She chuckle at that. I can't believe Mia is back, I mean, she bullied me for only on week but we never get along with each other, scratch that, she never get along with any girl at school, especially the ones hotter than her, maybe it's because of that she hated me the most, no I'm kidding or am I!?

- You're doing it again! The thing when you freeze and stare at nothing! Cassandra say.

- Sorry, what were you saying?

- About Paul, Ari, Anna and Cole, I did get some information from Cole but it wasn't that much!

- Did he say why they kiss 'cause Ari wouldn't tell me?! I ask.

- Well kind of! He says it wasn't what I thought but stay blank in the rest, when I asked about the kiss he stopped being a cry baby about the whole kissing thing. She explains to me.

- Maybe because he know he did the same!

She nodded. I'm wondering why they kiss though, Ari seems to be really in love with Paul so it's nonsense.

- I should get to class! I tell as I watch the clock on the wall.

- Blue said she's coming with the crew! Wait for them!

- Wait the four of them in the same place with us in the middle of the field while they are shooting bomb at each other.

- No the crew as Steph and Cher plus Jessice and Caroline! I filled her in yesterday!

- Well it's good then!

- All good!

I nodded. I remember that Mia go to that school but I never saw her here before, maybe we don't have the same schedule or maybe I didn't recognised her like last time at the circus. When she bullied me it was a long time ago so can you blame of forgetting her face. You know when you act scared but you're not, well I did that for a week but she only realised that when I punch on her face.

- Who's better? Cassandra say showing me a picture of Jennifer Lopez and Beyonce with the sign Versus between them.

- Let me rephrase that! Who's hotter!? She clarify.

- I'll say Jlo!

- What? No Bey is better!

- Oh no! The girl is 45+ year old and she look like she's on her 20s while Beyonce do look her age! I explain.

- You are maybe right but Bey is hot!

- Never said the contrary! Just say that Jlo is hotter than her.

She roll her eyes and open the door of the dorm room and close after screming at me that Beyonce is hotter than Jlo. Beyonce is hot but I know for a fact that Jennifer is hotter.

Mia is back but I know she won't try anything but is my life have to be so complicated, I want it to be simple like ..... Nobody's life, yeah because life is not easy in general but I can still hope but what is hope? Yeah, you got it right! A bitch! Hope is a bitch! I hate hope. Someone knok at the door, I open it and saw Blue and the others.

- Jlo! Blue says.

Cassandra sight in frustration while high five Blue for her good answer.

- What about you Steph? Who's hotter between Jlo and Bey? Cassandra ask.

- I'll say Beyonce and Channing!

Blue and I glare at her before having confuse look in our faces.

- Channing ? Me, Cassandra and Blue ask.

- Yeah! Channing! She replied.

- Then I say Jennifer and Jensen! Blue says and I high five her again.

- Well I got to say Jensen! Cassandra muttered under her breath.

- Well I say me and me!

I turn around and saw Brad, he was smirking at us. The other girls roll her eyes as I do the same.

- Can I talk to you? He asked me.

- Yeah!

We step away from the little group who was still arguing on who's hotter between Channing, Jensen, Beyonce and Jennifer.

- I wanted to ask you if you're in for a date? He ask me.

- Like a date-date?

He nodded.

- After class ! He says.

I catch his arm before he walk away.

- Fancy or... ?

- No, you can stay like that! He says pointing at my clothes.

I was wearing black jeans and a purple shirt, those who looks like a mini dress with high heels boots.

- OK, then see ya!

He kiss my cheek and walk away. My phone start buzzing on my pocket.
" Got ur phone #! Tell me where ur last class is I'll pick you there - Brad "

I know how! Peteeer! I know someone who will die sooner than he thought he will.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2015 ⏰

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