Chapter 5

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Yesterday was boring, this is all I did after helping Peter: food, computer, phone and sleeping. Cassandra didn't come back so I guess she did a sleepover at this boy's house. So I went to sleep. Today I wake up in a good mood and I plan to go out and have fun for once and I decide to invite Brad to go to the cinema with me, he says yes but after he'll choose where we're going. My phone start ringing:
Lately I've been I've been loosing sleep
Dreaming about the things that we could be
Lately I've been I've been praying hard
So no more counting dollars
We'll bee counting stars
Yeah we'll be, yeah we'll be counting stars !!

Unless of answering the phone I started dancing to my ringtone, counting stars by one republic, than I finally pick up.

'' Where is your room??'' I heard Brad's voice say.

'' I'm outside, not in my room!!'' I don't really want him to know where I sleep every night.

'' OK, I'm coming '' He says before hanging up.

After 1 minute I see him searching for me. I wave my hand at him.

- Right here !!

- Oh there you are !!

He follow me to the car.

- So what are we going to watch ?? He asks

- Why not Jump street 22 !?

- Another fan of Channing Tatum !! I see.

- The guy is hot tho !

- Why not a scary movie! Deliver us from the evil !! He reply

- Um... The purge!

- Too scary !! He says

- You think, the first I went to see it, I think it was cool, not scary.

- Seriously ??

- Yep!

- OK, let's go watch Jump street 22!

- Thanks.

He nodded and sit down on the car. I start driving and when we arrived to a red light, I on the radio, and One last time by Ariana Grande was playing.

- You like Ariana Grande ??

- I love this song, I think she's talented but no, not really, I don't like her.

- I do !! I think she's hot !!

- She's fake, she was such an angel before.

- Don't be such a hater !!

- It's just my opinion ! I prefer Demi Lovato, or Sam Smith, the Fall out boys, the American rejects.

- Ooh, Ok !! Who exactly is your favorite artist ??

- God !! He made such beautiful humans !

- I meen human artist !! He clarify

- Justin Timberlake !!

- Not me ??

- Why? Are you an artist?

- I sing !!

- Cool , I'll love to see you sing, but you're not as hot as Justin Timberlake !!

- You're right I'm hotter.

I look at him and imagining Justin Timberlake. Sure he's hot but not hotter than my Justin Timberlake.

- Keep dreaming!! I reply.

He laugh a little and we stay quiet. When we arrived, there was a long line waiting for us.

Brad broke the silence

- Let's go watch Lucie !!

- I saw it too much !! I thaugh we agreed on watching Jump street 22 !?

- Yeah, but...

- But nothing. I cut him off

He stays quiet but I knew he was staring at me.

We enterred on the cinema, we buy pop corn and two soda.

We laugh a lot, while watching the movie, I was impressed when Jenko fight with a girl on his shoulder on the spring break part. It was cool to watch even if I saw it before, I just didn't want to say it to Brad.

- It was cool !! He says while exiting with me.

- Yeah I know right !? So where are we going now ??

- Oh yeah, I forgot it was my turn to choose !

- Where ?? I insisted

- It's a suprise


When he stop the car, I saw that we were in front of a sort of bar.

- Where are we ?? I ask

- It's a bar!!

- They won't let us enter.

- Actually they will, there's a singing competition, and they will ask for ID if we wanna drink alcool. Remember you said, you want to see me sing?

- Yeah...

- It's your lucky day and mine too by the way !!

- Why ??

- Because I choose a duet, we're gonna sing together !!

- Which song ??

- You're not shy !! You'll choose the song !!

- It'll be stay with me by Sam Smith .

- But it's not a duet !!!

- We'll share the song, each of us will sing a verse.

- Ok !!

We enter the bar and after a while, a man call us for the competition. We're going after the girl who's singing The heart wants what it wants by Selena Gomez, she's good, really good, I wonder why most talented person are unfamous.

It was our turn.

There was two mics on stage, we both take place and I started to sing. I'm singing the first verse and we're singing the chorus together and etc.

It was great singing with, he was actually a good singer, he didn't lie to me. I love the sound of his voice through my ears, and he seems to appreciate mine too.
But darling stay with me !!

And we were done, everybody stand up to applause! It was great, and I think in the publuc I saw Chad, Peter, Jessica, Cassandra and that blond girl Caroline and sudently I felt Brad's arm on my shoulders than he kiss me.

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