Chapter 6

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- I dare you to drink all this bottle of whisky! Say Cassandra while handing me the full bottle.

We were outside playing truth or dare, after the awkward situation at the bar, blond hair girl had the idea of playing truth or dare while drinking and partying in her garden 'cause she doesn't stay at the college.

- Give it!

I take and staryed to drink and I could see their suprise look, I finished to drink after 10 minutes or less.

- Oh Wow! You're strong! Cassandra says.

-I know! Your turn. Truth or Dare ? I ask

- Dare.

- Go get topless outside in front of everybody for 5 minutes.

- You're kidding me. No I won't, it's like 5 degree.

- Free the nipples sista. Equality! I laugh.

- Don't care! Give ma another dare.

- Fine ! Kiss Chad.

She blushs, Chad smirks. Is something going on  with them, maybe he's the mysterious lover.

She takes a step ahead and kiss him.

The bightness of the moon is the only light for this dark night and it would have been romantic if they were alone and without all that alcool.

She get away from him and she sees that everybody was watching them and she blushes.

Peter take the bottle of alcool and drink in it before saying that it was Brad turn.

- Truth or Dare ?? He asks Brad.

- Truth.

- Why did you kiss Miss? He says pointing at me.

Talk about personal.

- Dare! Brad quickly re-answer.

- I dare you to answer the question.

I knew he was going to say that.

- Because I don't know dude, I wanted to, so I did. He replied

- So Nathalie is here when you have needs. Caroline girl says.

- No, that's not what I said...

- That's what I understood!

- Stop twisting my words Caroline.

- So, what do you think Nathalie?

They all look at me, I'm not embarrass at all because I don't care what he thinks, I don't love him tho.

- 'Bout what ? I ask

- You know, the kiss on stage! Cassandra clarify.

- Um... I don't know, I'm not his mind or something.

- Come on! There's something between you guys. Caroline says, she's.... Nice, just a little mini bit.

- Nothing! I was on stage singing, and the second after his lips were on mine.

- O... K! Well, Brad, what is your excuse.

- I can't tell, it just came.

- Oh come on man, you don't kiss a girl without her permission like that. Peter says.

I stop listening this childish argumentation. Why do they care if I don't, to do some gossips, it's obvious. I don't know why he kissed me but I'm going to figure that out by own, not in public like they are doing.

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