Chapter 1

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I feel free, I finally get to go in college, I really needed this, cause I feel lonely at home because my parents are never here. It's hard for them because they're not earning a lot of money, and me going to college make them proud and that makes me wanna work more.

"Nathalie, it's time to go baby !!" My mom shouted

" Coming !!" I shout back at her

I take my bag and run down the stairs. My dad is eating some cereal and my twin Jake is eating an apple.

"Finally !!" Says Jake

"Finally, what ???" I replied

"Your brother would have had time to have a girlfriend the amount of time you get down here but I guess his face would make them run! "Says mom.

"Mooooooom !" Says Jake

Oh Gosh, I love my family. We leave the house and get in the car. In the rode, mom and Jake were argumenting about the future, Jake wanna be a guitarist but mom wants him to have a second choice, because it's not easy, and now they are searching what other job he can do!!

"He can be a thief, since I'm gonna be a lawyer, I can protect him from going to jail and earn money and we'll share it after." I suggest

"Yeah, that is funny like your face!" He says

"We have the same face!" I replied even though it was a lie but we're twins so hey!

"OK, stop now !!"Says mom

We stop fighting, and stayed quiet for the rest of the ride. We arrived, I get out of the car and Jake and I went to the freshman orientation. While walking, searching for my room, I hit someone, it's a guy, dark green eyes and his hair were dark black, he has several tatoos and percings but in a way that fitted him, he was definitely hot in his leather jacket and black jeans, he stood there looking at me with a smirk on his gorgeous face where his hair were falling on, his posture was confident, but something in his eyes tell me he was... sad! I realize I was staring.

"Oh... Sorry !!" I say to the gorgeous stranger.

" It's ok !! What's your name ?"

I don't say a word and look at him in the eyes, smiling. My behaviors with my family is different than when I'm with other people. I'm still the same ; not shy, love to party, studying when I feel it. A normal girl but sometimes, I'm so quiet that you might think I'm dumb, and tha'ts ewactly what I was doing right now.

He looks at me weirdly and repeat his question.

"I'm Nathalie, but call me Nath !!" I finally say.

"Nice to meet you, I guess."

I laught a little, he's looking at me like I'm crazy. Well I'm crazy, being crazy is normal, being normal is weird !! I mean, who on heart is not crazy ?? Life is too short to be normal.

"I'm Peter !! Welcome to here, don't remember the name of this shit !!!" He smiles

"Um.. Are you high ?" I ask.

He laugh, I love his laugh, but he still looks high.

"Just kidding !! Welcome to University of Philly or Phillips college or whatever"

" Thanks, you're new or ??"

" It's my second year here, I found it pretty cool, because of the party."

I don't reply. I'm just thinking about the dress I'm going to wear for my first party here.

" You're doing this weird thing again." He says

" Aah yeah, it's how I am !!"

" Ok, let me help you with those."

He takes some of my stuff and ask me the number of my room. We search it together.

''Here it is'' he says. I look at the direction he shows me. I knok at the door and a girl with blue hair come open for me.

" Hey." She says" You must be my new roomate, my name is Cassandra." She says with a big smile.

"Hey, love your hair though, it wouldn't rock on me but it fit on you!!"

" Thanks!" She replied shyly

"I'm Nath" I held my hand and she shook it.

I take back my stuff from Peter and thank him. I enter on the room and sit down on the bed.

"So, you're new right !!!"

"Yeah, and let me guess, it's your second year here!!!"

-"Yep !!! Are you going to party tonight !!!"

"Hell yeah !! Sure I will study but I need to have fun."

" You got that right, yeah !!" She says.

I lie down on my bed face to my computer the rest of the afternoon, I didn't even unpack my stuff, to lazy to do it by myself and Cassandra was busy with her's sooo... It's 8h pm and Cassandra want to brought me at this party that she says and I quote ''It's gonna be the party of the year, you know that kind of party that you think of, every night before going to bed ".

I get dressed verry quickly, I put on a red shirt with a little cat with sunglasses who says Lazy but always ther to party on it and a little black short. When I go to teenage party I never wear dress to let people see what's under, my face is up here darling !!!

We went to this party, and we didn't pass the door that I see Peter smocking with some friends.

" Hey girls !! Sorry for the smoke, you guys look hot !! "

"Thanks !! " I replied

When I turn around, Cassandra was gone, lost on the crowd.

"Come meet my friends!!" He take my hand.

"Hey guys that's Nath !!"

"Hey, I'm Brad !!" Says the one with curly brown hair.

"I'm Chad !!" This one is blond and has blue eyes.

I'm starring at them with my huge smile.

"Nice to meet you guys, sou you guys in love with the coco ??" I say still smiling.

Peter cought and it's sound like he was about to die, I was still smilling.

"Oh, I guess.. Um ..I got to go." He says.

I laugh a little.

"Me too."

It's gonna be a great year !!


It's just the beginning so keep on reading. Thanks for giving my story a shot.

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