Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Imagination

"In my dreams, you're with me. We'll be everything I want us to be." 

Melanie Beaumont 

I was a zombie. Dead. Absolutely, utterly, dead.

I barely got any sleep last night and before I knew it, my alarm was already blaring.

It's like my roommates didn't need to sleep at all. It was already well past midnight when I had tried to get some sleep but the music was still blaring. I don't even know when it ended. I knew that I definitely screamed into my pillows a couple of times. I needed to buy ear plugs.

I rubbed my eyes tiredly as a yawn escaped my lips before I stretched my limbs. My body ached. I blamed it on the new bed. For me, it always took some time to adjust to sleeping on a new bed.

I didn't let myself lay in bed for a couple of minutes longer though. There was no time to waste and I had to quickly start my day or else I would be late for sure. First impressions mattered to me. It mattered the most. Even though my first impression last night for the girls wasn't that great.

After getting myself out of bed, I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth, blow drying my hair before getting dressed.

I had a busy day today. I had to get my school ID, my textbooks, all sorts of things. I was just slightly stressed but I shook it off as I grabbed my backpack, along with my phone and keys before making my way out of the house through the sidedoor.

The house was silent now of course, but I wasn't ready to interact with my new roommates quite yet. I didn't even know if they were awake yet or alive quite frankly with how dead quiet it was. I could feel the unwanted aura they gave off and I knew that I was definitely not something they expected.

I thought that I would have nice roommates, one who would not stay up until like 4 in the morning partying while blaring sad songs and screaming their hearts out but that was what I got stuck with.

I remember vividly throughout the night waking up and hearing Marvin's Room by Drake blasting through the loudspeakers and someone screaming their heart out to it. On any normal occasion, I probably would've laughed but this wasn't what I'd call a normal occasion. 

The drive to the campus was short which I was thankful for. It's one of the reasons why I picked this place. Not only was it something that I could afford but if anything happened to my car, the campus would be close and I could walk.

I had to look around the map and even stop a couple of students, asking for directions when the maps didn't help but eventually, I found enrollment services.

Some of my money I had saved already went down the drain when I had to pay for textbooks and it was something I didn't anticipate, even though I should've. I knew that I needed textbooks and it was stupid for me to not include it when I was doing my calculations. I was a nervous wreck. Money was tight, especially for me. I couldn't catch myself slipping. I knew that I had a tight budget. I didn't have mommy and daddy to go crawling to when I needed money.

"Are you a transfer student?" The lady behind the clear screen asks as she pushes up her glasses, staring at her computer while she types something in.

"Yes, I'm uh, Melanie, Melanie Beaumont." I repeat and she nods before continuing to type something in.

"Okay, so since you are a transfer student, the campus policy is that you need a meal plan." She says and I feel my face drop. I could not afford a meal plan. The whole point of me living off campus was so I could figure things out. Not spend money on something like a meal plan.

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