Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: When We Were Young

"It was just like a movie. It was just like a song. When we were young."

Melanie Beaumont

"Hey." I could feel someone wiggling me. "Wake up Mel, we're here." Grayson. The plane. We were back home. Back in Briar.

I groggily opened my eyes and we were indeed back. I could see that it was raining out and it was late. Pitch black outside. It was the only flight option left. A flight at 7 p.m with an overlay in Denver. Didn't make sense to me that we had to fly out that way but like I said, it was the only option.

I just realized that my head had been laying on his shoulder. Had I been using him as my pillow this entire time? I fought back the blush that was fighting to make its way to my cheeks before I sat up, clearing my throat. "What time is it?"

"A little bit past 2 am." I was exhausted. Drained.

After we booked our tickets, I had to call the school and ask for at least a grace period. They were hell bent on not allowing it and then Grayson butted into the conversation and they caved. I called Beth's lawyer after. We had to go over her will. I needed to know what she wanted to be done.

And then once I managed to get Grayson to leave, I started packing. I shoved whatever I needed into a suitcase and packed it all up.

"Where are you staying tonight?" He asks as we wait for the others to leave. He had a hoodie over his face with a hat one. I knew that he was trying to hide himself to avoid fans. I was surprised that he didn't have a private jet that he could simply use whenever.

"The house." I still had my keys so I should be able to get in. "What about you?"

"My parents, I need to talk to them anyways." I knew that he wanted answers. That he wanted what I had told him to be a lie but it was far from one.

"Shit, I have to get a rental." I groaned. I forgot that I wouldn't have a car. Beth's car would still be at the house and I could use it. Maybe it'd just get a cab... but where would I even find a cab at this hour?

"I have someone coming to grab me? Do you want us to drop you off at your place?" Grayson asks as if he read my mind and I sigh. He was being too nice. Why couldn't he just be rude and mean and obnoxious so I could hate him? So it would continue to fuel my hate for him.

"Yes, please, that would be great."

Once the plane was empty, Grayson and I stood from our seats. He slipped on his jacket before he handed me my jacket which I gladly took. It was starting to get cold again. We were only a couple of days into October but it was already getting chilly. In the Midwest, around this time of the year, it was already cold and we would already be expecting snow soon. It was nothing like southern Texas.

He slipped my backpack on him before I could grab it and grabbed his small duffel bag that he had put in the overhead bin.

"I can carry my backpack." I tried to reach for it but he shook his head and just placed his hand on my lower back, pushing me slightly so I would start walking.

"It's fine, I know it's too heavy for you anyways." He says and he was right. I stuffed all of my books in there. Just because I would have a small grace period didn't mean that I didn't have any work to do. All my grace period allowed was for work to be turned in later. Notes and lectures would be emailed to me but I still needed to turn my work in eventually.

So we exit the plane and start making our way to baggage claim where our suitcases would both be coming out.

"Do you want me to go with you to see the lawyer? I can pick you up in the morning and we can grab something to eat before going?" I tried not to huff in frustration.

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