Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: Dancing With Your Ghost

"Baby why'd you go away. I'm still your girl."

Melanie Beaumont

The girls were screaming upstairs, I could hear it from down here. They were arguing about something that I didn't quite care for. It has been a week in this household and nothing has changed. I mean, I knew the names of the girls now but they weren't too keen on me.

Lori, of course, was the one who showed me around, chestnut skin, small and skinny with hair so kinky that it always made me wonder how she managed to brush it and even remotely tame it in the slightest bit.

Then there was Amber with her fair skin, blonde hair and ice cold blue eyes with long legs and curves that I would probably kill for. I would say that I would hate to be on her bad side but it seems as though I had already managed to get myself there.

After Amber was Jade who's jet black hair always seemed to be a mess even though it barely passed her shoulders. Their color contrasted against her pale skin in a way that made her almost look sickly, but I never commented on it. I knew it wasn't her natural hair color, when I arrived, it was a light shade of pink and I caught her dying it black not too long afterwards.

They weren't exactly the nicests girls as I had figured out from before but I didn't let it phase me, at least I tried not to. I just kept reminding myself, I wasn't here to make friends. I was simply here for school.

The goal was to get out of my small suffocating town and get my degree.

But I couldn't exactly shrug the way they treated me just off of my shoulders. They were all super guarded and kept their distances as if they were scared to interact with me or something. Their boyfriends were pretty much the same too as they didn't exactly want to piss off their girlfriends which was understandable.

If I dated one of those girls, I wouldn't want to piss them off either. Their moods changed with a snap and quite frankly, it was awful. One second they were happy, the next, they were screaming their heads off at each other. I couldn't study quietly or cook in peace. Someone was always screaming their lungs off.

The first week of school had just ended and it was already kicking my ass. Brutally so. Maybe it was the fact that I could never sleep peacefully with my roommates always partying, it's like they never need sleep, they partied almost every day...  or maybe it was the fact that money had become an issue and I began to stress about it. I knew now that what I saved up wouldn't be enough. I needed to find a job. Sooner rather than later also.

Beth had called a few times... well, more than a few times really. I ignored a couple of her calls and answered some. She constantly asked me about Grayson and if I had talked to him or even seen him yet. At some point I just gave up on talking and let her blabber away.

A soft vibration from the edge of my table took my attention away from the notes I was currently taking and I put my pen down before looking at the phone.

Huh, the number isn't saved in my contacts which was unusual. I usually saved people.

Eh, maybe it was just some scammer trying to scam me.

I let it go to voicemail, but then the same number called again, and again and it didn't seem like the person who was calling wanted to be ignored so I finally picked up the phone.


"Mel," I hear his deep, gruff voice through the call and my heart strings tug painfully as the memories that I had buried so deep started popping back up in my head.

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