Hey watch it!

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As i was running towards the herbology class i didn't see that i was running straight into a girl that was practically running too!


"AH!" We both said at the same time, we were both rubbing our head because we hit one another.

"Watch where you goin! Ugh im gonna be late for my first class." I said while collecting my books.

"Im so so sorry i was in a hurry and didn't notice you, here let me help." It was a griffindor girl with big bushy hair.Shes pretty.

"Im sorry too for getting mad at you i to was in a hurry i can't be late for my first class right?" I said while taking books from her.

"Oh you must be the new girl right? Ilaria? Im Hermione, Hermione Granger." She said while handing her hand for me to shake.

"Yea thats me." I said while shaking her hand and giving her a smile, she smiles back.

"So um you went to a boarding school in the muggle world huh?" 

"wh- oh yea yea it was nice." She was about to say something but i cut her off.

"Hey its really nice to meet you but im really am late see you Hermione! and thankyou!" I said while sprinting off.

To my guess i was half an hour late.

"Im so sorry mrs sprout i got lost." I said while out of breath.

" Ah miss Malfoy, nevermind im glad you can join us. Go on sit where ever you like." I saw Draco and went to sit beside him.

"Where were you i was getting worried. Were you bullied are you hurt?" I hit his shoulder.

"Ow what i can't ask?" 

"im fine dummy." 

About an hour later the class finish and its time for dinner. After dinner as i was about to go back to the common room i felt a hand grabbing my arm.That person pull me in an empty classroom.

"Hey watch it what th-" i was cut off when i see who pull me it was Fred.

"Hello darling,did i scare you im sorry." He said while giving me puppy eyes.

"What the hell fred, we could just talk outside you know."

"Out there really? With your cruel brother? I think not." 

"His nice alright." I said while playfully push him aside to get out.

"Hey where do you thing you're goin huh?" He said while blocking the doorway as i was about to say something the door open it was Harry the boy draco dislike abit.

"Fred what the hell are you doin with her." He said rolling his eyes.

"Hey don't talk to her like that by the way what do you want and how did you find us?" Harry scoff and showed fred a parcment of paper.

"God damn it, did george lend you this." Harry nod.

"Hey um may i ask whats that?" 

"Oh it-" 

"Its none of your business Malfoy." Harry said sternly. Damn what the hell is wrong with this boy.

"Dude relax don't need to be a dickhead bout it i was just asking." I said annoyed. I pushed through the boys and i heard Harry said to Fred "Thats a Malfoy why were you in here with her huh is there something goin on." Now i know why draco dislikes him such a child.

I then proceed to walk around the school ground till my mind was clear and head back to the slytherin common room.

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