Chapter 16 - Confession

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You headed back to the elevator. You couldn't press the button for the next floor. You just couldn't do it. You still had to kill Danny. But you just knew he had something planned. He was better prepared than us. There was a real risk Zack would die and Danny might win. You couldn't take the thought of losing him.

Zack's confidence was wavering too. He wasn't nervous about killing Danny. That was gonna be easy, hell he was looking forward to killing that cockroach for good this time. It was the thought of losing you. There was still that chance. He wouldn't have it. He wouldn't survive it. So he didn't hesitate to agree when you said-

"Hey! Why don't we just take some time out. Just me and you. You know, to, like, prepare for what's next?"

"How about my place?"

"You mean your floor?"

"Yeah. It's a shithole but-"

You didn't care. Anywhere with Zack would be amazing to you. "I'd love to see your place!"

He looked down at you. You were beaming up at him with such adoration. He could feel his cold black heart practically bursting. Fuck he loved you. And he wanted to tell you. He wanted to tell you lots of things. He wanted to get to know you. Everything about you. This might be your last chance...

"Let's go then"

You smiled and pressed B6.

It was different to how you remembered it back then. It felt edgy and cool. Dark mysterious streets. Very Zack. You weren't scared, you were enjoying strolling along the streets. Zack was kicking debris. Sometimes sending it flying using his scythe as a make shift baseball bat. At one point he hit a rock perfectly through some kind of neon O sign ahead in the distance. He looked over his shoulder at you smirking and winked. "You wet?" You giggled. "Admit it, that got ya a little wet didn't it?"

"Hmm looked like a fluke to me." You looked around for another rock. Bingo! You turned to face away from Zack and bent down to pick it up. Ass in the air you looked back at him seductively and said "Wanna tap this next?"

You were just two people hanging out. Flirting back and forth. It was so much fun. You almost forgot where you were and the messed up situation you were in.

Zack eventually kicked open a side door and fell on to a sofa backwards "Welcome to my crib, baby! Make yourself at home..." he crossed his long legs and put his hands behind his head. He watched you as you looked around.

So this is where Zack was staying. Is it based on where he lived before? Probably. It was a very small run down apartment. Absolutely no decoration. Minimal, scratch that, no furniture. Just that sofa and a wooden coffee table next to it. There was random half eaten cereal bowls lying about. Is that all he ate? There was a blanket messily thrown on the floor. So he just slept on that sofa with that blanket? He was so lanky his whole body didn't even fit on the sofa... that could not have been comfortable. You noticed paper and pens scattered on the table. It looked like a kid had been practicing their alphabet... did Zack do that?

Zack followed your stare. Shit. Time to explain a few things...

"Yeah... so..." Zack started nervously. You looked at him. He swung himself round to sit up. He cleared his throat. "I can't read. Or write."

You sat down next to him on the sofa. So... oh! Is that why he threw those files in a hissy fit? Why didn't he just say so. You didn't say anything just waited for him to continue.

God she's gonna think I'm such a thick fuck. A total loser. Definitely not deserving of you. After seeing your floor too. Fancy as fuck. Maybe this was a bad idea bringing you back here...

But then Zack looked at your face. You just gazed at him adoringly. You looked so happy. You were so happy. You were getting to know Zack. Just the two of you. Just talking. Both a little nervous. It was like a first date!

Zack told you everything. About his childhood. The incident. The bandages. The orphanage. Then what happened next. He even told you about his murders. He told you it was always after seeing something shitty they did or said. Something just took over him. The bloodlust. He knows it's messed up but he doesn't fight it he just lets it take control. He thought they deserved it anyway, he told you. He wasn't sure anymore. His whole perspective on things had done a 180. All he gave a shit about now was you.

You told him about your childhood. You had a twin sister. Your Father died before you can remember. Your Mother remarried some rich powerful politician. A trophy wife. She was so unhappy but she had serious mental health issues. She was too terrified to leave. You had never been happy. Your Step Father controlled you, kept you away from your Mother and sister. You can't recall a single conversation with them. It made you sad. Zack could tell. He would squeeze your hand now and again or stroke your face whenever you looked sad. It was so sweet. It reminded you, just like he told you that time. The past doesn't matter. All that matters now is here and now and Zack.

You continued and told Zack your Step Father hated you, all of you. You were a burden to him. But thinking about it, since he was in such a powerful position a divorce would not do him any favours. So he just resented you all, stuck with you for years. It was hell. You had therapy from as young as you can remember. You remembered how Danny became your therapist at one point. You were still young. You didn't realise he was obsessed with you until it was too late. You came home one day and your Mother and sister were dead. Your Step Father covered in blood screaming at you that you did this. But you didn't! The rest was a blur. It would make sense that you were sent here to be killed. For killing the family of a rich and powerful politician...

Zack never wanted to kill anyone more. If anyone deserved a scythe to the face, it was this Step Father.

"But none of that matters anymore..." you were looking at him adoringly again. The painful memories pushed aside, insignificant now. You just wanted to stay here with Zack. It occurred to you then...

"What if we stayed here?"


"Just stayed here? Just me and you? Or maybe just stay in the cycle? Purposefully fail and start again? Would it be so bad? Stuck in an endless cycle of... falling in love with you time after time?"

Zack gazed into your eyes. You said it again. His little heart was full. Zack thought about what you said. It had crossed his mind too, but no. He almost killed you when you first met. What if he succeeded next time? The thought made him feel sick. No...

"I can't risk losin' ya YN. And I don't wanna lose this feelin', these memories. I wanna get outta here and make new ones... with you. I love you YN"

Your eyes were practically sparkling. He said it. He said it!

You threw yourself around his neck and kissed him eagerly. He kissed you back with just as much vigour. If this was potentially going to be your last moments together, he was going to make them count...

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