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🗽: Hi, how's everyone doing?

😼: Okay, you?

🗽: Bored

💘: Wanna do something?

🗽: Sure

✨: How about we go to the beach!

😼: No!

*Hair Extensions has added Nettossa, Swift Wind, and Spinerella to the chat*

*Toga has changed three names*

🦄: What's going on?

🌪️: Hello!

🗽: We're going to the beach!

Nets: I'm down

Toga: I'll come!

✨: Type in "No" in the chat if you don't want to go

😼: "No"

Mistake: No

*Toga has changed Mistake's name to Issues*

Issues: Really?

Hair Extensions: Can you please come? For your best friend?

Issues: Fine

😉: Yay!

Hair Extensions: Yay!

*🗽has added Kyle, Lizard, and Lonnie*

*Toga has changed two names*

Toga: Looks like I didn't have to do anything for the lizard

Mistake: So, uh, what's going on?

😼: We're going to the beach, unfortunately

✨: I doubt it will be too catrastrophic

😼: Shut up, Sparkles

Curly Fries: I'll go

Lizard: Me too

Hugger: Yay! We're all coming!

Perfume: I know! Isn't it amazing!

☃️: I can freeze it and turn it into an ice rink!

Sea-Ra: Don't you dare

💘: Okay! Everyone! Get ready! We'll be there in 10 minutes!

✨: I'll take you guys there!

She-Ra ChatficNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ