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🔥🛶: I gave Adora some pirate juice and now she's acting weird. Does anyone know what's wrong?

💘: I thought ever since Adora could just make the sword appear this wouldn't happen?

Sea-ra: It's because of the alcohol. She's drunk.

😼: Well, good thing I decided not to trust mustache

🦂: She isn't too bad.

🦂: Never mind she almost got herself killed trying to eat a bug that flew out of the window.

🌺: We'd better keep an eye on her.

💘: And Glimmer. She's currently trying to get a trash can to give her an adventure.

Sea-Ra: Sea Hawks is now underneath a table crying.

🌺: Arn't you drinking from the alcohol too?

Sea-Ra: I am. I'm just not going to drink enough to get drunk.

Hair Extensions: They are very interesting! Good thing I bought my camera! I can study their behaviors in this state! Thank you DT for also filming with me! We can learn so much!

Toga: We sure can~

Hair Extensions: Seems like WH is crying thinking about his past mistakes. Oh! Hordak is also in the same state! Interesting~

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