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Curly Fries: So what is everyone doing? You know the world is saved and whatever now.

🗽: Well me, Glimmer, Bow, and Catra go and save the universe from time to time!

Lizard: I own a restaurant with Lonnie and Kyle.

Burned Ship: I travel around the world, but I always make it back to my dearest Mermista!

Sea-Ra: I rule a kingdom, still.


Perfume:Me too!

Hugger: I'm also ruling a kingdom! But it's new for me!

Issues: Me and Wrong Hordak help Entrapta in her inventing.

Hair Extensions: I have made new theories! But because non of you will understand them, I won't say. But I made a book if you want to know more!

Toga: I do theater. Work for people. Steal people identities. You know. Same old same old.

Curly Fries: So all in all no one's doing anything important.

Toga: Yeah, I guess.

🗽: Whta do you mean unimportant?!

✨: Saving the universe is important!

Toga: Debatable.

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