Least Favorite Person

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Dark Shadow: How about we play a game. Everyone state your least favorite person. Mine's Hordak. He's stupid and doesn't know how to do anything.

Issues:Shadow Weaver, cares too much about being in power.

Dark Shadow:Don't you?

Issues: That's different. I was trying to impress someone.

😼: I'll have to agree with you Hordak. She's awful, heartless, and over all just an awful person.

🗽:Hordak, he did try taking over a world just to impress someone who doesn't care about him.

Toga:Hordak's so bland and boring.

Hugger: Oh, I don't really hate anyone, but I guess I'd have to say Shadow Weaver. She hurt Catra.

☃️: Hordak, Basically what Adora said. He's pitiful.


Nets:I'd have to say Catra, she's annoying.

🌪️🥿:Hordak, he's just... Well himself.

Nets: That's true.

✨:Shadow Weaver. I won't forgive her for what she almost made my dad do.

💘Hordak, he did do the whole killing innocent people thing

Curly Fries:Catra. I won't go further because if I do I'll curse and we have innocent people here

Lizard: Catra was pretty mean to us.

Mistake: ^^^

Sea-Ra: Catra took over my kingdom.

Burned Ship: Hordak, ^^^

Perfume: Double Trouble, I'm trying to forgive them but it's hard. Also they keep playing pranks and I don't like it.

Toga:What'll happen next. Will feelings get hurt. Find out next on-

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