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✨:Ahh! The wedding is after tomorrow! How are we going to finish?

💘:I know! I just got my suit and still need to make sure everything is ready.

Sea-ra: How are you guys not ready? You've been planning it since forever.


Perfume:Alright, calm down, I'll make the flowers and the decorations that are supposed to be live plants!

🗽:Yeah! You guys can count on us! Plus it's mostly done anyway.

Sea-Ra:I'll fill up the lake.

Hugger:I've got my songs mesmerized!

Toga:And I know how to play all the instruments for them.

☃️:That's it.

🗽:And, it's done now.

💘:Oh, that was quicker than I thought.

✨:Uh, yeah. Guess that just means we have the before party first!

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