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Toga:Some people or so stupid it makes you wonder how they survived so long.

😼:What happened.

Toga:So, I was helping out doing whatever because the wedding is in a month, when I hear these random strangers, I don't even know talking.

Toga:They come up to me and ask if I'm going to go to Queen Glimmers party before the wedding or Bow's.

✨:Wait, who's party are you going to join?


Toga:Anyway, at that time I hadn't really thought about so I said, I don't know, why?

💘:I don't like where this is heading.

Toga: Then they were like we want someone to tell us about what's happening there.

Toga:So, I said, Sure, I'll tell you. If you pay me $200.

🗽:Can't you ever do something out of the goodness of your heart?

Toga:What heart?

Perfume:They have a point.

Nets:Wow, didn't expect you to say that.

Toga:Anyway, they said, they'll think about it depending on which one I'm going to. And I said, alright. Then they asked again and I said, I just told you, I don't want. And they were like, "how do you not know, boys go to Bow's and girls go to Glimmers, you just go to the person that matches your gender." So I said, I'm non-binary they're I can go to either of them. Then they said, all right, but what's your gender.

Curly Fries:How old where they?

Toga:Around 32.

Curly Fries:I thought that Brightmoon educated people since forever. How lots of the people I meet here are so dumb.

✨:Rude. Sorry about that, we do have a rule to teach people about pronouns and stuff, but some people are stupid.

Toga:So I answerd, Non-binary. And then they said I know, but before you were Non-binary were you a male or female. I said, none! I was Non-binary. Then they said, "What about areas, I can't really tell looking at you, bit do you have male or female parts. I said "None! I've got no male or female parts I'm Non-binary!" Then I flipped them off and went away. After that I come back shape-shifting as someone else and I plan to haunt them until the day of the party.

😼:You do that then. They don't seem to be worth our time.

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