Girl Troubles

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Curly Fries: Okay! How do you guys do it?!


Hugger: Do what?

Curly Fries: Find a boyfriend/ girlfriend!

Curly Fries: Everytime I get a girlfriend it fails! Even Catra got a girlfriend!

😼: Yeah, I did the impossible

Burned Ship: When it's true love! You'll know!

Curly Fries: Really? Because I thought that was true about most to all of my past gfs.

Sea-Ra: I don't know. He just kept bothering me until I eventually caught feeling for him. Usually I just fall for hot people, but here we are.

Curly Fries: I mean, I do the same. But because women are all hot I fall for all of them. But not fall fall if you get what I mean.

💘:I fell in love with my best friend!

✨:The feeling sort of grew!

Curly Fries:Yeah, that won't help me seeing that I'm a lesbian and my best friends are two gay guys who are dating.

Hugger: Well, I guess it starts with finding someone who sees the best in you and wants the best for you. Someone who'll help you become your best self. Flaws and all.

Curly Fries:...

Perfume: Someone with a huge heart ready to do what they have to and keeps the people they love close to them.

Curly Fries: This is just making me feel more single.

*Bow added Dad and Father to the chat*

*Toga changed Dad's name to 👨‍❤️‍👨*

*Toga changed Father's name to 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨*

👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨:Hey Bow! Hey Bow's friends! What's up?

Bow: My friend needs help on finding someone to date.

👨‍❤️‍👨:You find the person who makes you feel whole. Who's different, yet you are still like each other.

👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨:Who you know that even when things get rough will be by your side.

Curly Fries: Thanks. I'll keep that in mind. Still don't know how to find her though'

🗽:For me it was about the person that I couldn't let go of. That even though I had more than enough reason to turn my back on them, I couldn't.

Curly Fries: Tried that. She just kept cheating on me.

😼:Someone you feel you can't live without.

Curly Fries: I'm so single. You guys are lucky!

Issues:I'm not dating anyone, but for me it's about finding someone who can stand up to you when your wrong without making things bad. Someone who'll love your flaws and cares about you.

Curly Fries: How do you find someone but not me!

Toga: I don't know babe. I'm attracted to men and most of them suck.

Burned Ship: Men aren't bad!

Toga:The one's I date are.

Toga:Good luck, I guess.

Curly Fries: Thanks, guess I'll have hope. If Hordak can find someone then it should be very possible.

Issues:First off, the person isn't interested in me like that. Second, that's just rude.

Hair Extensions:Oh! Don't worry Hordak! I'm pretty sure they'll see how awesome you are someday. Even if you guys don't date!

Issues:Thanks... but even though I like them, we aren't going to date and I know that. Plus, our non-romantic relationship is already more than I deserve.

Hair Extensions: Well, at least both of you are happy!

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