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-Group chat with just Bow, Abora, and Glimmer

🗽: Guys I'm so nervous!

✨:Hey, it'll be alright!

💘:I'm sure she'll say yes!

✨:Yeah Adora, she loves you. Plus even if the proposal goes horribly wrong, I'm sure she'll say yes anyway.

🗽:That does make me feel better... I think.

💘:Alright, why don't you review the plan one more time.

🗽:So, Tonight I'll take her on a romantic ride on Swift Wind. She'll probably hate it. But it would be romantic which would earn me points. Then we'll land on a hill for a picnic.

✨:I've asked the cooks to prepare some of you're favorite foods. There'll peanut butter sandwiches and some fish.

💘: We'll also have some apple juice for you guys as well.

🗽:After we eat, I'll propose and then hopefully she'll say yes.

💘:And remember, we've already decorated the place!

✨:Frosta made an ice sculpture with Mermista. Perfuma also decorated the place really nicely with pretty plants.

🗽: Alright. So, I'll pick her up in 2 hours. No stress.

💘:Have you picked an outfit?

🗽:Well, no. But I can find something. No worries.

✨:Alright! I'm coming over! I'll make sure you look amazing! Bow!

💘: Yes dear?

✨:Go make sure Catra is ready for her special date!

💘: On it!

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