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✨:Ahh! You won't believe what just happened?!

☃️:You and Bow are getting married?


👨‍❤️‍👨:I was so excited when Glimmer asked for Bow's hand in marriage!

👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨:I couldn't stop crying! My baby boy all grown up!


🗽:Tell us the what happened!

Toga: Tell us every single detail!

✨:Okay! So the day yesterday me and Bow had a special date.

💘:It was going to last the whole day.

✨:I wore a pink dress with flowers on it! It also had lots of glitter on it!

💘:Glimmer was the one who planned it. She first took me out to the French Cafe that Lonnie owns.

✨:We ordered some 🥐 and coffee!

Issues:Why did you put an emoji?

✨:Because I can't spell

💘:We held hands, talked, and ate our food!

💘:I was wearing a golden shirt and pant. The shirt of course showing my belly.

✨:We then went on a nice long romantic walk💕

💘:For lunch we went to Lonnie's pasta store.

Curly Fries: Why do you guys say the stores are mine? They belong to me, Rogelio, and Kyle.

✨:It's easier

✨:I ordered lasagna and Bow ordered pasta and meatballs.

💘:After that we went to an amusement park💖

✨:We went on ride after ride! Bow was so scared he hung on to me! It was adorable😍

💘:Then we went to the Farris weel! We even kissed at the top it was so romantic!

✨:Then dinner💖😍💖

💘:We ate pizza together under the stars🌟✨🌟😙💗💖❤️💞💕💝🌟⭐

✨:After that I took him to a special spot and proposed!

💘:I said YES!!!!!!!!!

Toga:And we don't need details on what happens after that

Sea-Ra:Definitely agree

💘:Anyway! Our engagement party is tonight!

✨:Be there!

*✨ has attacked a file underneath*

💘:There is the information!

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