What I told him

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Sorry I haven't updated in so long! I feel really bad about that! BUT HOLY MOTHER OF CHEESE?!?!  733 READS?!?! Guys, my mom is starting to question my sanity. But thats okay!! GAH THANK YOU!! Okay I will stop now so that you can read the next chapter of Happy Accidents

"Okay so I guess it all started in 8th grade." I begin telling Louis.

"I was not exactly popular at my school. Well actually I was a loser. I didn't have alot of friends so that was kind of depressing. I just stuck to my studies and hanging out with a couple of friends I could trust. Jacob was one of these friends. He and I were closer than Peanut Butter and Jelly. I literally told him everything and vice versa.

One day in eighth grade, there was a new girl. Her name was Julia, she was pretty much the biggest bitch I had ever met. We instantly didn't like each other. Jacob also didn't like her but she liked him. It was obvious that she had a crush on him. We both laughed about it, and made fun of her behind her back. Just between us.

She made my life miserable. She made up rumors about me and told guys that I had a crush on them when I didn't. It started off like that but got worse. Soon she was writing things like 'I'm Gay-Bren' on my calculator and on my things.

She would call me awful things and pushed away any other friends I had. She stole my backpack from me and said if I told anyone that she would make my life worse. I didn't even tell Jacob once it got that bad.

She told me that I should die. So I started cutting, I have 68 self induced scars. I also started starving myself. I would only eat or drink when I was around Jacob so he wouldn't worry about me. I always made sure to cut on my thighs or upper arms so that he couldn't see them. When I was changing for Gym, Julia saw my scars. She told everyone that I was a depressed cutter and that I was a goth freak. Thankfully Jacob didn't believe them when they told him. He never believed that I would do something to myself.

During third quarter, my mother was diagnosed with stage four breast cancer. She decided there was no point in fighting because there was no chance of her winning. She spent her last few weeks just talking with us and doing all the things she never got to do. She was gone by spring break.

My Parents were in love completely, when she was still alive they were inseparable. I had never seen a love like theres. Before the cancer, before Julia, our lives were great. Everything was Full House fine. She and I had a really big connection. She was my best friend and everything I ever needed. My dad fell into a depression after she died. He started drinking and became abusive. He started bringing girls home who were all but hookers.

He raped me several times but told me it was normal. After five weeks of it all, all his pain went away. He literally drank himself to death. I found him lying on the bed clutching my mom's picture for dear life.

Around the end of fourth quarter, I was walking home with Jacob after school. We stopped outside a Starbucks to get something to drink when she found us. Jacob had gone inside to get the drinks and I was waiting outside. Somehow Julia found us and she and her group cornered me outside the store.

"Where's your mom?" She taunted me pushing against the wall outside the store. I didn't respond. She asked me again and pushed me harder. I bit my lip and tried not to make eye contact.

"Oh right, she's DEAD." She laughed at me and her friends made a half circle around me so that I couldn't escape.

"And your father got so sick of you that he killed himself to get away from your ugly ass." She sneered up in my face. I looked away and tried not cry. I wouldn't show weakness in front of her. She grabbed my face in her perfectly manicured hands and forced me to look at her.

Happy Accidents (A One Direction Love Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin