Boys and secrets

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Brens POV

(After Zayn leaves)

I watch as Zayn walks out of the room. I hope that he gets her number or something. Turning my back to Niall I check my bag to make sure it's still there. It is, okay that's good.

"So how big of a fan were you exactly?" Louis asks wiggling his eyebrows. I blush.

"Umm pretty big." I say, I really don't want them to go through my bag if they find it they will never let me hang out withy them again.

"What is the biggest fangirl act you have ever done?" Harry asks, his head resting on his hands. Right now harry is sprawled across the bed and Louis is sitting next to him stroking his curls. Niall is sitting cross legged next to my wheelchair and Liam is relaxing on the couch.

"Umm I have done a lot of thing by far the most embarrassing thin I have ever done was about 3 years ago." I start my story.


Gabby and I were walking around the mall. I was carrying one shopping bag and gabby was carrying about thirteen. It wasn't that she bought more than me, half of the bags were mine. She had lost a bet, but that's another story. Anyways it was about three fourths of the way through our freshman year and we were fangirling big time because their newest album TAKE ME HOME was just released. The sun was shining through the glass ceiling and my bag was getting pretty heavy. We were talking about some guy at our school when I noticed a guy so the Harry sch sch sch sch hair move. He even had curly hair like Harry. I froze for a millisecond the took off dropping my bag in the ground. Hey don't judge his friend happened to have Louis hair and was wearing colored jeans, TOMS and stripes. I might have leaped onto his back and screamed "Larry stylinson forever!" He chucked me off his back and t turned out to be some random dude. So I had to pay him 50 dollars to not call the cops on me.


"Oh my gosh." Liam said shaking his head at me.

"That was three years ago so I have learned my lesson." I explained

"And what lesson would that be?" Louis teased.

"Only do that if I'm certain it's Harry" I stated matter of factly.

Harry gave me a scared look and scooted away from me. I laughed and shook my head at him.

"That, styles, is why you don't mess with me." I gave him a serious look. He seriously looked scared of me. I spread my arms out in a come at me bro gesture.

We all laughed and then Liam's phone rang. He answered it and said a lot of uh huhs and sures.

"Lads Zayn met a young girl who is a big big fan and he wants us to go and sing to her." Niall and the rest of the boys nodded. Standing up Niall grabbed his guitar and pecked me on the cheek. Whoops did I say pecke like kissed I meant poked. He stood up grabbed his guitar and poked my left cheek with his finger. Louis followed suit and soon four strange boys had poked my cheek. I really love I honestly do but they re the strangest group of potatoes I had ever met.

Soon enough I was left to my own a wheelchair....with a broken arm... Thanks boys feel the love.

I sat there for about ten minutes messin with my phone but then I got bored and decided to try and explore. It took a couple of tries but I finally managed to work my way out of the room. I had found a way to grip the right wheel even with my cast. I roamed the halls making faces at nurses and just having a grand old time. By myself.

I was just about to maneuver my way to ft some food when I ran into an old friend literally... I ran into him with my wheelchair. I was so absorbed in thoughts of Niall that I hadn't even notices Jacob walking up to me. Suddenly I was jerked out if my daydreams by a groan and a large object in front of my chair.

"Ugh Bren watch where your going." A boy groaned from the floor. I leaned over to see who it was. He had brown hair that was short and up in a slight quiff. He had cloudy blue green grey eyes and a smile that could kill. He was wearing a long sleeve shirt underneath a t shirt and jeans.

"Jacob!" I cried almost springing out of the chair in shock. I was not expecting to see him ever again.

"Bren!" He cried mocking me,"what the heck did you do to yourself?" I giggle and explain everything that had happened to me. We used to be pretty close friends in middle school but then... Anyways he didn't even have to ask who one direction was he already was aware of my dedication.

We sat there for a good hour catching up and just laughing with each other. even though we we were laughing there was still some tension Between us.I looked at my phone and realized that the boys were probably done by now.

"It has been so great catching up with you! But I really have to go I will text you later okay?" I told him spinning my wheelchair around.

"Hey wait.." He called grabbing my leg. I felt tingles run down my spine. No, I can't like him not after happened. I turned to him and flashed him the sweetest smile I could.

"I'm sorry about what happened back in middle school I really am. If I could go back and change it I would but I can't okay?" He looked at me with tired eyes. In wish I could forgive and forget but I can't I really just can't.

"We all make mistakes." I whisper coldly. I stare at my lap and try not to meet his eyes.

"Bren.." He didn't even finish his sentence before crashing his lips onto mine. I put my hands on his chest and pushed him off me.

"You sicken me." Turning my chair away from him I started to wheel down the hallway. He stepped in front of the chair and put his hands on each one of the armrests. I leaned back in the seat.

"Can I help you?" I asked. He smirked. His green eyes flashed as they seemed to stare deep into my soul. Back in eighth grade I could never stay mad at him because of those eyes.

"Can you at least hear my side of the story?"

"Fine. Not here though."

"I have your number ill text you okay?" He pleaded.

"Fine." Wow things really went downhill quickly. We went from laughing to me being sickened by him.

I got out of their as quickly as I could. I searched for the boys forever and finally found them in a room in the children's ward. I wheeled in just to see Niall playing with a little bald girl. I then realized my mistake with Jacob. He had asked me out. And I said yes... O my god. Crap. I noticed Zayn standing near me. He is practically the only sane one in the room. I pull him into the hallway and explain my delima.

He nods and sighs.

"Niall is not going to be happy." I can't believe this just as soon as I snag something that Maghreb be good in my life someone has to just take it away from me.

"We'll it's not right now so I don't have to worry." Zayn nods and we head back into the room. Giving me a concerned look Niall sets the now sleeping girl on the bed and makes his way over to me. Positioning himself behind my chair we wheel down the hallway together. He chuckles lightly after a minute of silence.

"Did you know that you bite your lip alot?" He smiles down at me as I stop immediately.

"Don't stop it's cute." I blush and cross my arms over my sweater. He laughs and pays my head while continuing to push me down the hall. We finally get to the room and I grab my book bag and everything else like my phone and iPod. Niall helps me to settle into the chair and we head out to the lobby to meet the other guys. As we approach the lobby Niall pats my shoulder and I shudder at his touch. I can't hold it in any longer I blurt out

"Will I ever see you again?"

Niall sighed thought for a minute and before he could answer.


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