Fireworks and The Wiggle

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  • Dedicated to Jimmy! for Protesting at all the right times

Hey guys! 

Thank you so much for reading!! THANK YOU!! or as Niall would say "Tanks" I tank you greatly. Keep reading! I will read your story if you comment! So DO SO! Please.... anything it can be completely random... anyways here is the next chapter it is kinda long so hope you enjoy! <3 :)



VOMMENT!!!! (Not vomit because that is a bad thing so don't do that really i would prefer it if you just read this chapter without vomiting but i you do leave a comment...)(Not about your vomiting but about the chapter) (Even if you don't vomit you can still comment telling me what you like or don't like about the story and how you didn't vomit)

Bye for now!



Bren’s POV

“NO!” I screamed as Louis took a running start and leaped onto my bed. He landed next to Niall and pulled him into a hug.

“That wasn’t so bad now was it mate?” He said smiling.

“GET OFF MY BOOBEAR!” Harry yelled faking anger at Niall. Niall sprang away from Louis as Harry jumped onto Louis and ran his fingers through his hair.

“Mine” he muttered.

“Awww Harreh!” Louis cooed pinching Harry’s cheeks. Harry pulled away rubbing his cheeks. I would have laughed except for one tiny detail. When Niall jumped away from Louis he jumped right on to me. I wheezed under Niall and threw my arm out waving it around to get someone’s attention. Liam and Zayn were both texting or checking twitter or doing what ever.

“Heeellllppp……” I wheezed. Liam looked up at that second and ran over from where they had all been sitting on the grey couch.

“ARE YOU CRAZY?!?!? YOU DON’T SIT ON GIRLS WHO ARE IN THE HOSPITAL YOU DEMENTED LEPRECHAUN!” Liam yelled. Niall furrowed his eyebrows then turned from his spot on my chest. I gave him a little wave and he started. He leaped off my chest and slapped his forehead.

“I am so sorry, love. I thought I was sitting on a pillow or something I really did not mean to sit on you!” He said worried.

“It’s okay, really. But I do know a certain someone who needs to lay off the Nandos a bit.” I laughed.

He looked at me relived; Louis smacked the back of his head. Niall turned to him and glared. Louis shrugged and Harry snuggled closer to Louis.

“Vas happenin’ guys? Let’s play truth or dare already!” Zayn said joining Harry and Louis on the bed. Liam sat on the very edge careful not to touch me. I gave him a confused look and he raised his hands up in defense. Niall settled back into his original spot pushing Louis and Harry over. I laughed Larry Stylinson moment. Harry climbed onto Louis’ lap so that Zayn could sit more on the bed. We ended up in an awkward circle.

“I WANT TO START!” Louis yelled.

“Lou inside voice!” Liam whispered.

“Whatever, Bren truth or Dare?” he asked staring my in the eyes. I thought for a moment then replied.


“I dare you to…hmmm… tweet that you are so in love with me and that you would give anything in the world to kiss me! And! You can’t say it’s a dare!” he says smirking. I laughed. I did this on a daily basis anyways. Sure it would earn me a few strange replies but whatever. I whipped out my phone and tweeted.

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