Name that Bandmate!

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Hey y'all!

Sorry this chapter is going to be short. It was about 2 pages on my computer but I don't know. LOVE YOU GUYS!

Which really means me because no is reading my story but its all good. I like where its headed tho! Check out my other story Look After You (A Louis Tomlinson Story). Im dedicating this chapter to my fellow CU graduates! You know who you are! Haha.


Bobalina (NiallsPrincess1198) xxxxx


Bren’s POV

It had gotten dark. The nurses came in and asked if they were going to stay. I looked at them I would love it if they did but they are superstars and probably have better things to do than hang out with me.

Liam nodded and asked if she could bring in a few extra blankets so that they could lie on the floor. I was shocked. I can’t believe they wanted to stay here. I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want them to leave.

“So what do you guys want to do?” I asked.

“Well lets introduce ourselves so that we become more familiar with each other. Then we can get on to the good stuff!” Louis said. I almost burst out laughing. I know pretty much all there is to know about them.

“Or, since Bren over here thinks she knows all we can play name that band mate!” Harry said. I really need to control what I say.

“Okay fine, I will win.” I said. I had been watching fact videos since 7th grade.

“I will be host!” Louis screamed.

“Lou inside voice! We are in a hospital not the arena!” Zayn exclaimed.

“Fine!” Louis said. He grabbed out his phone.

“Hello or not, this is Louis the Tommo Tomlinson. Today maybe yesterday we are going to play Name That BandMate! One of the members of One Direction, excluding myself, will state something one member has done or likes and the contestant, Bren, will NAME THAT BAAAAANNNNNND MAAAAATE!!!! If she gets it right then she will get a point if she gets it wrong we throw her in a ditch. READY SET NO!” Louis says in his announcer voice pointing his camera at us. He swings it over to Niall.

“This member stated that he would not date anyone in the band because no one would date him.” Niall says with a straight face.

“Easy, Zayn.” I say, I had watched that interview yesterday.

“This band mate got stung by a sea urchin bonus points if you can tell the song the group sung after said bandmate returned from the hospital.” Harry said.

“Louis got stung and the song was Torn one of my favorites by the way.” I said without skipping a beat.

The game went on for hours. The guys took turns asking me questions. Harry of course tried to trip me up by asking things that not even the other boys knew about each other. They got 5 points in all that was when they realized I was getting good at watching their faces react when Harry would say something that they thought no one knew. Their face would blush then they would look down and avoid eye contact. Well, not all the time. That was mostly Zayn and Liam. Niall would turn the color of a tomato then look up and pop his fingers and then scratch his neck. That would give it away right away. Whereas Louis was well… Louis. He would realize it was him then get all in my face look me straight in the eyes and make his eyes really wide and them ask “Who ya think it is?”

The game worta went on like this for the rest of the time:

“Born in Wolverhampton”


“Likes to bungee jump,”


“Traded onesies with Zayn because he didn’t want to get any jokes”


“Alright! Time! Both teams have done very well. Unfortunatly there can only be one winner. With the score being 239 Bren and 5 One Direction the winner is…” Louis announced.

At that moment the nurse walked in.

“Nurse Laura wins!” Louis jumped next to her.

“Whooo! I win I won!!” She said throwing her arms in the air and doing an impression of Harry when he won quickfire all those years ago. She was a directioner I could tell. I laughed because she even had gum. Harry pouted but soon got over it when Zayn suggested Truth or Dare. All of the boys jumped up and cheered. I am guessing we have a favorite. Niall pushed over to me and sat down on the bed next to me. I saw Zayn wiggle his eyebrows at Niall. I looked over at Niall and he blushed. I blushed too. He leaned back against the bed, which I had sitting up. He scooted closer to me and relaxed. I tensed. Louis looked over at us and then yelled something that made my blood run cold.


Uh oh. This might not end well...

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