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Niall's POV

I watched as Bren rolled down the hall leading to the rest of the house. I sighed and turned back to Louis who was leaning against the white wooden desk placed strategically next to the door.

"So what's up, Leprechaun?" Louis teases me, his arms crossed nonchalantly over his broad chest.

"Stay away from her." I growl menacingly. Well, as menacingly as I can, I am really not all that scary...

"Who? Bren? The girl who you kissed then treated like dirt? That her?" All playfulness gone from his voice. "I don't think so,"

"I really like her Lou. Please just back off?" I try to keep my cool even though Louis is smirking at me.

"You don't. If you really did you wouldn't hurt her like this."

"You don't know anything!" I retort quickly. He raises an eyebrow at me.

"Oh don't I?" He sneers. "You don't know what a bitch your supposed 'girlfriend' is."

"Trust me I do." I mutter low enough so that Louis doesn't hear. He continues waving his arms wildly.

"She has gone through so much, you have no clue! Partially because of that demon you call a girlfr-" Louis stops suddenly and slaps his hand over his mouth.

"What?" I question, horrified. "What does Julia have to do with this?"

"Nothing." Louis answers too quickly.

Anger courses through my veins lighting me up like a flame. I clenched my fists and tried to keep from yelling. I took a deep breath and let it out through my nose. I shot him one last glare and stalked off. I could hear him muttering angrily but softly behind me. I ignored him and continued down the hallway.

As I made my way down the pale creme hallway I notice a few framed pictures hanging on the wall. Freezing, I lean forward to examine the first one. A man and woman stand proudly behind a small girl who can't be more than 4 years old. The small girl's brown hair is blowing back in the wind, framing her beaming face, the sun laying over her. A lime green sun-dress dances around her small knees. The man's arm is wrapped around the woman's blonde hair covered shoulders. She is obviously pregnant, the fabric of a striped tee shirt streched thin over her bulging body. Her face is content and smiling leaning into the man's chest, her jean shorts cut off about mid-thigh and compliment her curvy legs. The man is also laughing, his navy polo lifting slightly at the bottom, his khaki shorts sport mutiple stains, but he doesn't seem to care. The three stand in a field with the grass drifting around their bare feet. The blue sky hangs over them, a picnic blanket in the background lies in a rumpled mess. I can almost hear their laughter through the picture.

The picture is framed in an old wooden frame. The chesnut wood glares in the dull lighting. I reach out and touch my finger to the smooth object. I trace the picture behind the glass, wanting to reach in and share their happiness.

"Niall?" I jerk back my finger instantly leaving the picture. I spin and see Bren had hobbled into the end of the hall. She tenderly limps over to me. I reach out and steady her against the wall. She gives me a confused look, her eyes cautiously watching my every move. Worry lines appear in her forehead distracting me from her eyes. "What are you doing?" She asks cautiously, her back leaning against the wall for support.

"I just saw this picture and was looking at it." I summarize pointing to the photograph on the wall. She leans forward and studies the picture. She bites her pink lip and gets a faraway look in her eye.

"I remember that day. My mom, dad and I went on a picnic and my mom forced some randow stranger to take a picture." she whispers reaching out to trace the frame as I had. "It was right before Ryan was born."

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