Who is the True Messiah? Chaos of Light and Darkness

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The next day, Setsuna and I went to Hikawa Shrine to talk to the other sailors. We talked about me, the Kingdom of the Sun and what happened yesterday.

- If good reaches the Holy Grail, the world will be filled with beneficial light and evil will be destroyed. - Setsuna continuous. - However, if it is bad to be with him, the world will be dominated by the black light and the dark age will begin. Naturally, the future would be transformed. - She finished.

- So you came from the future to tell us? - asked Ami.

- Yes and no. - we told.

-Then? - Usagi asked.

- Because I had to come and talk to TK, about some things. - she said looking at me.

( I miss you, my love.) She told me telepathically.

- Yes, it is true. - I said, a little flushed.

Everyone looked at us with a thoughtful face (- What's going on between these two?)

I get up and say:

- Setsuna, we have to go. -

She gets up and grabs my arm. Everyone was still surprised.

- Now let's go. - said Setsuna.

- Why are you going? - asked Usagi.

- We have to go look for the Savior with Neptune and Uranus. - she said.

- It is our duty to help them, Usagi. - I said.

We left.

Arriving at the park, Setsuna and I heard people's screams. We soon realized that we had to transform. We followed the screams and saw the demon holding Chibiusa.

- Be quiet until we leave if something happens to the girl. - Mimete said laughing.

- Death Scream - Pluto attacked

- Sun Burning Flash - I attacked.

We showed up.

- Setsuna, TK. - said Chibiusa.

- Sailor Moon attacks now. - I said

And so the demon was distributed.

- But why are you still looking for pure hearts? - asked Jupiter.

- Sailor Moon, we have entrusted you with the Holy Grail for a while. - said Uranus.

She and Neptune turned their backs and started walking.

- Why don't we look together? - asked Usagi.

- We are different. - said Uranus.

- We'll take care of that. - said Neptune.

- What's your idea? - Mars asked.

We left without answering.

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