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Suddenly, Dazai grew rigid as he grabbed you by the arm and pushed you down and grabbed a knife that just so happened to fly right where you were standing a couple of seconds ago. 

You gasped. He gave you a half smile as he said quietly, ''Seems like someone is targeting you."

"Hah?! I didn't do anything though!" 

"You don't know that. Sometimes you can set people off and not even know it." 

"So...am I.. safe here?.." 

"Probably not." 

He looked so serious, it scared you. He was always so carefree and fun and silly. 

"Let's go." He grabbed your arm and jumped from building to building, with you in tow as usual. You thought you saw Ami standing on the building you were first at, her red hair flowing in the wind. But it was most likely your imagination. 

Ava's POV

I gritted my teeth. Ugh!! Once again, I had failed. I really needed to separate her from Dazai, if I didn't I would never assasinate her. He wasn't even alert, and he could stop her from getting  sliced. And now, she knew she was being targeted. Not only that, but  I let her get away! I had to kill her. I had too. The deadline was in 7 days. Only. 7. days. "UGHH!" I screamed in frustration. 

"Stupid, ugly, little, dumb, clueless bitch! I hope you have fun getting assassinated!! Because I will kill you!! I swear it!!" 

I sighed and returned to the master's house, ready to endure her seemingly endless temper tantrums about my failed attempt. 

"So...do you have any idea about who might be trying to assassinate you?" 

"No, I told you I have no enemies. I barely come in contact with the people I do know!" 


You sighed. You didn't like this at all. Dazai was thinking to hard and you were definitely over-thinking. 

What if he thinks i'm too much to handle? What if he finds someone else? What if it's a girl? What if I never meet Ranpo or Dazai again? What if-?

"Hey, {Y/n}."


"Let's go eat at a restaurant!" 

He declared, jumping up. 

You smiled. 


He grabbed your arm once again and pulled you out of your apartment. You sighed. 

Here we go again. 

-time skip brought to you by "It was a lie."-

You and Dazai had been in the restaurant for about 24 minutes when a group of men came in. 

They looked cliche', wearing black leather jackets, black shirts underneath and khaki pants. One of them {the most cliche' one -_-} was bald, intimidating, tall and was wearing a black eyepatch. 

They came in, whispering and sat down at a table, at first you didn't mind and continued to talk to your friend, but then you glanced back at them and noticed they were glancing at you, pointing and whispering. 

You decided to use your gift. And your heart sunk deep inside your chest. 

"Dazai, get up. We have to go." 


"Please!! We have to go!!" 


You grabbed his arm and flew out of the shop, running to your house as fast as your legs would take you. 

The faq- 

yayy i have more ideas for the next chaptersss- 

thxs for reading!~

・𝚂𝚙𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚍 𝙲𝚘𝚏𝚏𝚎𝚎・{Dazai x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now