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You woke up to the sounds which had now became normal to you: The IV beeps, the quiet whispers of the nurses, the loud doors opening and closing, the announcement system, and much more. 

As you slowly sat up you caught sight of a nurse, talking with someone familiar, by the door. You squinted your eyes through the very, very pale blue and whites of the hospital and your eyes lit up with joy. The familiar person was none other than Dazai. 

"Hey!" you called out happily, getting both the nurse' and Dazai's attention. He immediately ran over to you, jumping on your hospital bed on sitting on your lap, he threw his arms around you and hugged you tight. "I missed you!" he squealed over and over again, you laughed at his excitement and hugged him back. 

He sat up and smiled, but lay back down, putting his head on his chest. You couldn't help but think how cute he was. 



"Remember when you told me..you wanted to ask me a question?" 

"Aaa...yes" he shoots back up and stares at you. 

"Y/n....would you do a double suicide with me?"

 your eyes widen and you laugh. You weren't even that surprised, due to his suicidal tendencies. "Dazai, I would but I would like to live a little longer, if you don't mind." 

He smiles and says "I'll live with you as long as you like!" before he lays back down on your chest, cooing and mumbling sweet nothings to you. 

You run your hands through his wavy brown hair and wonder how you got blessed with such a blessing as Dazai. 

~timeskip brought to you by the Port Mafia~

Pulling your hair up into a ponytail (or leaving it down), you place a couple of hairpins inside of your hair and stand up from your vanity. After sitting there, cuddling with Dazai for about 30 minutes or so you were admitted to leave the hospital and when you walked through the hospital doors the Armed Detective Agency + Chuya were waiting outside for you. You were happy to see everyone, especially Ranpo and Chuya, Ranpo had been great company while you were inside the hospital and Chuya, you hadn't got a chance to thank him, for saving you, and for cooperating fine with Dazai through the whole thing. After, you and Dazai were going on a date. 

And you were the most jittery person ever, but you didn't overthink anything, since it could cause a lot of problems. 

You straightened your dress and walk out of the dressing room, where Dazai was talking to someone on the phone, when he saw you he smiled and ended the call immediately. 

"Are you ready!?!" 

you sighed and nodded, he took your hand and the both of you walked down the street, you listening to the rambling on of Dazai, while you tried to get control of yourself. You were blushing very hard, and you were slightly dizzy. Once you got there, to the restaurant, you and Dazai had a bunch of fun, hanging out, talking, doing things you did before you-know-what. (and don't be dirty either 💃)

When you guys were finished, he took you to a rooftop, where the both of you sat, dangling your legs over the edge, when suddenly Dazai spoke up. 

"Hey, y/n i have another question."

"What is it?" 

"Will you be my girlfriend?" 

Your heart froze and your cheeks lit up again. "Hah?!" 

He laughed. "Will you be my girlfriend?" he asks again, this time more thoughtfully. 

You stood up, walked over to him and hugged him. 


・𝚂𝚙𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚍 𝙲𝚘𝚏𝚏𝚎𝚎・{Dazai x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now