Chapter 12: A New Home~

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(A/N:) This chapter might be a little short.


After my two near assaults, we got changed from our clothes, and Jayy let me borrow an extra pair of clothes he said, would fit. After getting changed, we left the club and got in what I assumed, was Jeffree's car. I rode in the front with Jeffree while Jayy was behind me in the backseat. Jeffree started the car and I took one last look at the club, noticing Ashley and his friend, standing right outside the doors, with their arms folded over their chests. I swallowed and I felt something grab my hand. I jumped a little and looked down to see Jeffree's hand in mine. I looked up at him and he smiled a little. He gave a little reassuring squeeze before we pulled away from the building, leaving the club behind.

After a few minutes of driving, Jeffree pulled into the driveway of a small house. The house was a greyish blue on the outside, and looked warm and inviting. Jeffree killed the engine and we all got out. We followed him up the driveway to front door, and he unlocked it.

We walked in and he turned on the lights. There was a big flat screen in the living room that was on, and a single lamp was turned on. All the sudden, two little dogs came running over to us, and jumped up on their hind legs in front of Jeffree. He smiled and said "I'm home babies!! Daddy's home!"

The dogs barked and he squatted down to their level. They attacked him with kisses, pawed for his attention, and spazzed out around him. He laughed and then one of them went over to Jayy. Jayy squatted down and petted the little fur ball. Jeffree said "I know babies, we're back...We're back and we brought a new friend home." Looking up at me. I smiled and he said "Jeremy, these are my dogs Diamond and Diva." Pointing to who was who. Diva was dyed a bright yellow and his underside was a a bright red....I heard using certain dyes on dogs doesn't harm them, so I'm sure Jeffree wouldn't use anything harmful on them...And they're so fluffy and cute.

I squatted down and Diamond trotted over to me. I scratched behind his fluffy ears and he panted, looking happy as can be. I smiled and said "Hi boy...Yeah, you're a little cutie." Jeffree smiled and said "Come on, let's make some dinner, you must be starving." I stood up straight and said "Oh no you don't have to it's-"

"Jeremy really, we don't mind...You have nowhere else to go, and we don't want you anywhere near those cocksuckers. It's the least we can do sweetheart, you're not a burden on us." Jayy said, putting his hand on my shoulder. I nodded and said "Okay." After we ate, we all showered, changed into pajamas, and just hung out for a while. It was around midnight, and I yawned.

"You tired?" Jayy asked.

I nodded and said "Yeah."

They both nodded and Jayy said "Follow me." He grabbed my hand, gently pulled me up from the couch, and lead me to a bedroom. He opened the door and said "This is my bedroom...You can sleep in here with me if you want." I nervously bit my lip and he chuckled. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna try anything, trust me."

I nodded and he pulled the sheet off a little. We crawled under the sheets and I sighed. He turned to me and said "If you need anything, wake me up. I'll be right here, okay?" I nodded and said "Okay." He kissed me on the cheek and said "Goodnight Jeremy."

"Goodnight Jayy."

He turned around until his back was facing me, and he fell asleep. Then I closed my eyes, and soon I fell into a deep sleep, knowing I had a real home now.

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