Chapter 7: Be Careful~

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(Jeffree's P.O.V.~)

What the hell was going on in there? We couldn't hear anything! I swear to God if that sick fuck is hurting him, I'm gonna stab him in the dick with my sharpest stilettos. Soon the door opened, and Jeremy stormed out, and I could hear Ashley calling his name. "Jeremy! Jeremy stop, please!" Wait...Was Jeremy crying?!

"Sweetie? Jeremy sweetheart, what's wrong?" He just ignored me and kept walking. I looked at Jayy and said "Try talking to him, I'll deal with this bastard." Jayy nodded and he took Gerard with him. I turned on my heel and stormed in there....No more mister nice bitch. I walked right up to him, and shoved him back. He stumbled a little but regained his balance. "Jeffree...I can explain-"

I slapped him across the face and yelled "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO HIM?!" He rubbed his cheek and said "What? Oh no, no it's not what you-" "HE WALKED OUT OF HERE CRYING, DON'T YOU GIVE ME YOUR BULLSHIT!"

"Jeffree, I didn't hurt him! I just asked for a private dance, he agreed, and about halfway into it, we um...We kind of made out.." My jaw dropped and I felt my blood boil. I don't have a crush on Jeremy or anything, I'm just looking out for him. Sure he's cute and I'd bang him harder than a drum, but I wanna protect him. I know what he's going through, cause I've been down the exact same road as he was.

I pointed my fake nailed finger at him and said "You're pushing it, Purdy. If you hurt him I swear to God, I will rip your dick off and feed it to your precious dogs...Do I need to be any clearer than that?" He looked at me with fearful eyes and shook his head. "N-No." "I am not letting you ruin that sweet innocent boy, because you can't keep your dick in your pants, now back off....Am I clear?" He nodded and said "Yes, sir." I gave him a death glare before turning around, and walking right out....I know it's a little harsh, but I don't give a shit...No one fucks with my friends.


(Jinxx's P.O.V.~)

I sat alone at a table, trying not to cry, because I didn't wanna mess up my makeup, but it was hard. Why did that happen? Why did I kiss him like that? I'm not Gay......But after what happened back there, I don't even know if I'm a human anymore...I could be a unicorn and not even know it.

I was wrapped up in my thoughts, when I heard heels clicking up to me. "Hey beautiful, long time no see. What's wrong?" I heard Devin say. I shook my head and said "Nothing...Nothing's wrong, I'm fine." He said "No you're not. Someone as beautiful and sweet as you, doesn't deserve to cry. Now...Tell Devin what's on your mind." I opened my mouth to speak, but some guy came up to us.

"There you are gorgeous, where'd you run off too, huh?" A tall guy with long black hair, multiple lips piercings, and well drawn on eyebrows said, putting his hands on Devin's hips from behind. The guy kissed his neck and Devin giggled. "I was just walking by and saw my new friend Jeremy, crying. I just came to see if he was okay." The guy smiled and said "Aww that's sweet." He looked down at me and said "Hi, I'm Chris." I nodded and said "I'm Jeremy."

Devin turned around and said "Come on baby, I'm not finished with you yet." Chris smiled and Devin looked down at me. "Well for right now I got my hands tied...Not yet, but if you need anyone to talk to, you come find me, okay?" I nodded and he said "Okay. Bye beautiful." And they disappeared.

I sighed and shook my head. "Jeremy!" I heard over the music blasting through the club. My head snapped up and I saw Jeffree, Jayy, and Gerd running towards me...Well Gerard and Jeffree were half awkward running, cause they were in heels.

Once Jeffree reached me, he pulled my up and threw his arms around me. I hugged him back and buried my head in his shoulder. "Oh my God sweetheart, I'm so sorry....I oughta go back there and break that cocksuckers nose for doing that to you." I said "Don't, it's okay...I just...I don't know what happened.." Jeffree pulled back and brushed some hair from my face. "What happened sweetie? You can tell me, it's okay." I said "I just...He asked for a dance, he brought me into the room where I practiced on you and....and-" I stopped and felt tears form in my eyes. Jeffree said "It's okay baby, we're here."

"It's just...During the dance, I felt strange...I felt some kind if feeling, and I didn't know what it was...Then he...He kissed my neck and...It just felt good. Then I forgot about the whole dance, and we made out..It felt so wrong to me, so I got up and left...He didn't hurt me or anything, it was my fault."

He nodded and said "Sooooo he turned you on?" I bit my lip and said "Yeah..I-I guess so." He nodded and I asked "Is that bad?" They shook their heads and Jayy said "No, it's a natural thing. It happens to everyone. Even though Ashley is a cocky asshole, there must've been a reason why he was turning you on..You said he kissed your neck and that's what started it, right?" I nodded and he said "Well, then your neck must be one of your weak spots." "M-My weak spots?" I've never really had my first kiss until Ashley, so I pretty much had no idea about these things.

"Weak spots are places on your body that causes you to get aroused or, "turn you on". It could be your neck, your back, your stomach, your lips, people have different weak spots. And it doesn't necessarily have to be kissing, they could just touch that spot, and it'll turn you on. It's perfectly natural honey, it's nothing to be ashamed of." Gerard said.

So...I was attracted to Ashley? "So..So that means I like him?" They shrugged and Jeffree said "Sweetie, we don't know for sure. Maybe you do, maybe you don't, you never know for sure....But I want you to promise me something right here, right now, okay?" I nodded and he said "I want you to promise me, that you will be careful around him...I've known him for years, he's a bigger whore than Gerard and Devin out together."

Gerard frowned and said "Hey!" Jeffree shhed him and said "He doesn't do relationships, he doesn't settle down, he just wants to fuck. And if you two are together, he will probably use you. I'm not trying to be mean, I'm being honest...Cause I've seen how many guys have walked out of his private room, either crying, or they never come back...If he uses you or takes advantage of you in any way, shape, or form, you tell me, and I'll beat the shit out of him for you...Okay?" I nodded and said "I promise."

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