Chapter 1: The Choice Is Yours~

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(Jinxx's P.O.V.~)

"How could you?!" Was the last thing I said to my parents as I was being dragged out of my house. They sold me into Human Trafficking because "times were getting tough" I tried to kick and squirm my way free, but the two guys that had me were much bigger than I am, and a lot stronger. I was basically a noodle in their arms.

"Please...Please just let me go! I won't tell anyone, I swear!" I pleaded, feeling tears form in my eyes.

"Sorry kid, but business is business, and we could make a lot of money off of you."

The tears escaped and rolled down my cheeks. How could they do this to me? My own parents? I loved them so much, I was never a bad kid. I was shy and quiet, but I've never done any wrong.

They brought me to a sleek black car and one of the guys opened one of the backseat doors.

"Get in." He demanded. I didn't want to be told twice, so I quickly got in. They followed me in until both of them were sitting on either side of me. They closed their doors and one guy said "Drive." To the driver. I guess he knew where to go.

"Alright kid, we got some questions to ask. Now you answer them like a good boy, and you won't get hurt...Got it?" I swallowed but nodded.

"Okay. What's your name?"

"Jeremy Ferguson."

"How old are you?"


"Ever done any drugs? Take anything illegal?"

"No sir."

"Ever drank?"

"No sir"

"What color are your eyes?"


"Height? Weight?"

"I'm not sure, sir."

"Ever been arrested?"

"No sir."

"Ever get involved with the wrong crowd?"

"No sir."

One was writing down my answers as if they were important.

"Okay this'll probably be the most important question...Are you a virgin?"

They're gonna make me a prostitute. I felt more tears sting in my eyes, but I kept them back. I imagined having to sleep with twenty guys a day..I'd never survive, they'd rip me in half.

"Yes." I answered quietly.

The two chuckled and my answer was written down.

"Okay Jeremy you have two choices. Since you are a virgin and look very healthy, you could be a male prostitute at a brothel. Or if you'd rather not get fucked by hundreds of guys every night, you could be a dancer at a strip club...The choice is yours, but I would make it quick."

How was I supposed to decide? Either I could get raped to death, or be forced to take off my clothes for disgusting men on stage, and could still end up getting raped..But I couldn't be a prostitute..So I have to suck it up if I'm gonna survive this nightmare.

I took a deep breath and looked T my lap. I said "Alright..I'll be a dancer."

They grinned and one said "Good boy." As if I was a dog for their entertainment.

"Go to the club, Frank." One said to the driver. He nodded and said "Yes sir."

Dance For Me, Baby (Jinxxley)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora