Chapter 18: One Last Time/Letting Go~

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(Two Day's Later~)

(Ashley's P.O.V.~)

After blowing up on Danny and CC the other day, I had everything ready for them when they leave. Passports, fake documents, everything. We were staying in a hotel and their flight leaves tomorrow morning. I was sharing a room with CC, while Danny had his own room. CC was out doing something, Danny was in his room, and I was sitting in our room watching TV.

All of the sudden the door opened, and CC walked in. He came over and said "Hey." Setting a plastic bag down on a table in the room. I nodded and said "Hey." He pulled out a case of beer and pulled one out. He held it out to me and asked "Want one?" I shook my head and said "Nah, I'm good."

He put it back and asked "What's wrong?" I rolled my eyes and asked "Really?" He sighed and said "Look Ashley, I don't know how many times I can say sorry to you-"

"CC you shouldn't be apologizing to me, you should be apologizing to Jeremy....You and Danny both need to apologize."

"Ya know, you wanted to do the same just as much as we did."

"Yeah maybe I did, but I didn't. I wanted to leave him be, but you two couldn't do that!" I said, snapping at him.

He sighed and climbed onto the bed with me, moving around until he was behind me. He hovered above me a little, and I felt his hands on my bare shoulders. I'm a no shirt enthusiast, so why bother with a shirt?

He started rubbing my shoulders, but it wasn't making me feel any better...And I knew what he was trying to do.

"CC...What are you doing?"

"Ash....Do you ever miss..Ya know...Us?"

CC was my boyfriend for 4 years...We met in high school and started the club...The stress of keeping the club up and keep from being busted by cops, was too much, and we broke up. We still stayed friends, but we always stayed close...He was my first love.

"I think you know the answer to that question."

"Yeah I know but...I-I mean we're leaving tomorrow...I might never see you again."

"When this all blows over, you two might come back...This can't last forever."

I looked back at him and smiled a little. He smiled and asked "Y-You really think so?"

I nodded and said "Yeah...CC no matter what, no matter if I move on and actually find someone, you will always be my first love."

I was still looking at him, and his brown eyes bored into mine. He leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. I couldn't remember the last time I kissed him...Probably before we agreed to end our relationship. I honestly missed him...He was my first everything. My first crush, my first date, the first person I ever held hands with, my first kiss, the first person I ever slept with...He was my everything.

I kissed him back and shifted my body so it wasn't in an awkward way. I held his face in my hands, and put a little more pressure into the kiss. After a few moments, his shirt was off, and I was lying on my back with my head on the pillows. He crawled on top of me and straddled my hips. He leaned down and brought his lips back to mine. I laced my fingers through his ebony hair, and tugged a little.This was a thing we used to do while we made out or had sex...Hair pulling turns us both on.

He moaned against my lips and smiled. "You remembered."

"How could I forget?" He smiled and kissed me again. As much as I'm still pissed off and how much I wanna strangle them both for what they did, I can't hate them...Danny and I have known each other for a long time, but I've known CC longer. They just screwed up and have to live with that...But I am scared to death about the idea of CC being locked up in jail...I'm scared he's gonna get beaten up, shanked, raped to death, it's scaring the shit out of me. CC may be slim and toned, but he's not some big beefy motherfucker.

But right now, I didn't want to think about that...I just cared about this moment. That's when I flipped our positions, putting CC right under me. He ran his hands up and down my back, and kissed my neck.

"I love you, Ash.." CC whispered. "Even if we're not together anymore, I'll always love you....You were my first everything." I smiled against his neck and said "I love you too." I pulled back and kissed his lips.

"So what do you say?........One last time?"

I smiled and said "Yeah...One last time."


(The Next Morning~)

I pulled up to the curb in front of the airport, and killed the engine. I would probably get in trouble for parking here, but I wouldn't be long. We got out and walked over to the trunk, and opened it. Luckily they didn't have a lot of bags, so we all didn't have to carry them. I sighed and said "Your flight leaves in 20 minutes...And I got you booked in First Class, so you don't have to deal with people in Coach. James has your money situation taken care of, but don't spend it on stupid shit." Knowing they both do that.

They nodded and I leaned up against my car. "Well....I guess this is it." They nodded again and I said "I'm really gonna miss you guys...You guys have grown on me." They smiled and Danny said "Aww don't cry on us now, Purdy boy...We'll be across the pond. Make sure you call us and give us updates, yeah?"

I nodded and said "Will do." I gave Danny a hug, then turned to CC. His eyes looked shiny and glassy like he was about to cry, and that made me wanna cry...Even though I was fighting not to do that already, I mean I'm letting the first person other than my family that I ever loved, that I wanted to marry and grow old with, walk out of my life...all because of a stupid mistake.

"Come on CC, I hate it when you cry." I pulled him into a hug, and he wrapped his arms tightly around me. He buried his head in my shoulder, while my face was nuzzled in the crook of his neck.

I kissed some exposed skin on his neck and whispered "Just stay strong, okay? For me?" He nodded and said "Okay." We broke the hug and I cupped one side of his face with my hand. I leaned in and kissed him, and he kissed back instantly. We stood there for a minute just kissing, and I didn't want to end it, but Danny cleared his throat.

"Come on now, there's kids watching." I chuckled and said "Okay." I kissed him again and said "When this is all over...You won't have to hide anymore...And I'll be here waiting for you." He smiled and said "Okay...I love you." He kissed me one last time and I said "I love you too." When we pulled away, Danny put his hand on CC's shoulder and I watched them walk towards the building. Even though the airport was busy today, I could still see them.

The last thing I saw was CC looking back at me with tears rolling down his cheeks, and they disappeared. I sighed and got back in my car. I bit my lip and fought the tears back, while I moved my car into a parking spot away from the curb. When I killed the engine, I couldn't fight it anymore. I felt the first tear escape my eye and I sat there and broke down, crying in an airport parking lot.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2015 ⏰

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