~Chapter VII~

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ON THE RIDE BACK TO THE CITY I fell asleep. Some time between the passing scenery and traveling back on the ferry exhaustion set in. The pretend therapy session at Dr. Grave's office drained more strength than I anticipated and darkness descended upon me with the reassurance that my efforts to distract her would not be in vain. The files were what we came for.

We were a step closer to unveiling the truth behind my therapist's reasons for hypnotizing me, and what exactly she tried to keep dormant in my head. Everything was staring to make more sense. The dreams I thought were nightmares, crafted from guilt to haunt my sleep. Charlie's involvement with the case. Subjecting my childhood crush as the killer because he was there that night. Sending me to be hospitalized at the Mental Health Institution for three years, so I would never find out what he had done.

Well, now I was aware.

A tap on my nose uplifted the fog of sleep, and I flinched back into reality.

"Time to wake up, little psycho."

I opened my eyes and looked into pure green. Like a forest over shone by a sunrise against an unforgiving stark sky. "Where are we?"

Nix smiled down at me from where my head rested on his surprisingly comfortable shoulder. "Your boyfriend's diner."

I lifted off him and rubbed the grogginess from my eyes, appalled that I somehow shifted towards him while asleep. Almost as if it was instinctive.

"Hannibal is not my boyfriend."

He threw a mock brow at me. "Does he know that? You obviously still harvest feelings for each other."

"It's complicated." I didn't give him my expression. Afraid he might see the lie on my face as those piercing green orbs studied me. Instead I focused on Anthony's Diner and the customers arriving and departing, staff scurrying between tables to take orders inside and out on the deck overlooking a beautiful view of the Elliot Bay and Mt. Rainer.

A couple seagulls flew overhead, and a series of depressed clouds transformed with warning as we hopped down from the Rover to join the others. Kieran and Ridley found us a spot. With them Hannibal sat in a chair across wearing Bluebird Prep's school uniform and a white apron shrugged over his shoulder, casually, like he finished with his shift moments ago.

Taking the open seat adjacent Kieran I was nervous as Hannibal was situated across, staring intently as I moved and Phoenix took his spot vertically from Ridley. He was scrutinized harshly under the vice president's soulful eyes, but for a much different reason than a lost love between past enemies.

If looks could kill, Phoenix would be six feet under.

"What took you so long?" asked Ridley, a low growl under his breath.

The green-eyed boy shrugged nonchalantly without lifting his head. "I got distracted by the view."

I secretly glanced at Phoenix from the corner of my eye while he stared vacantly at the menu in front of him. Was he talking about me or the actual view?

I shook my head.

Maybe I was overthinking things. We never expressed how we felt about one another, nor did we revisit the time I rudely rejected his kiss at the lake. Our interactions beyond that day were less frequent, as were moments spent alone, unless the others were around.

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