~Chapter X~

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I glanced over at Piglet as she regarded my math professor with disdain.

"Can he make this class any more boring?" she complained.

I smiled. "Math isn't suppose to be a fun subject to endure," I said, keeping my voice to low whisper. I chose a seat at the back for this very reason. Didn't want my classmates catching me talk to myself and give them reason to suspect I was mentally unbalanced.

"Ugh!" Piglet grabbed at the strands of her leaf-infested cotton pink hair. "This is too much torture. I must not have been a good student when I was alive."

"You are not good at being a Spirit either," added Blue.

Piglet threw a bland look at her friend. "You're supposed to be my best friend. Why are you being so mean to me like this?"

Blue rolled her eyes, a wet blue strand falling into her pale face. "You continue to call me that when I have no interest being around you. I told you before we are not friends. The dead do not have friends."

It was my turn to roll my eyes.

I let my head fall into my left palm with a low groan. "Can you guys not argue right now. It's distracting me from my lessons. I need to focus."

At the same time they both pointed fingers at the other and exclaimed, "She started it!"

"Is this seat taken?"

I looked up to the face of that voice and halted. "You."

He smiled down at me. "Me."

"What a gorgeous human. Who is he?" Piglet dreamily gazed up at the new student.

Speaking of which. I glanced around the classroom to notice many of my female classmates were giggling and whispering behind their hands about Makoto. Hearts in their eyes and sighs filling the air in breathless clouds of swooning.

The sight was more than a bit disconcerting.

"Do you mind if I sit here?" he continued to ask me.

"I don't think you'd be safe from harm if you did," I said, assessing him.

"Why is that?" His question made me think of the Sparrows. Their aggressive possessiveness this morning when a few football players whistled at me came to mind.

Hansel had reacted like a madman and punched the first guy he saw rather than give him time to come to terms with the black eye in store for him. Even Phoenix joined in. Wrapping a hand around the two linebackers' throats- who laughed with their friend -and growling murderous threats in their faces on the thousand ways he would cut off their dicks and feed it to them as they bled out.

As most girls might swoon over a hot male fighting for their honor as the historic perspective of patriarchy, however I was more annoyed at the blatant ideal they thought I was made of porcelain and couldn't deal with the situation on my own. But that wasn't why I didn't want Makto sitting next to me, or why I was weary of him. It was what he called me this morning that has stumped me.

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