~Chapter XI~

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WITHOUT ANOTHER WORD I DRAGGED MY STUBBORN LITTLE PSYCHO far from the smirking asshole watching us leave. His grin boisterous.

Makoto Kaiser. The fucking Chairman of the Board's son.

I disliked him on sight. His presence was creating a mess between my brothers, and quickly setting me off like nothing else ever has. Particularly with Madelyn. Seeing his hands on her was enough to imagine smashing his head into a locker.

I sound possessive, yes. But everyone could go fuck themselves if they had a problem with it.

Madelyn was a Sparrow.

We just had to convince her to wear our ink. To be ours officially, even if Kieran might be the one engaged to her at the end of this all. That is...if she accepts.

"Hansel. Where are you taking me?" she stubbornly asked, dragging her feet. Her effort to stop was not lost on me as we turned down another corridor. There were less students around here, and that was exactly why I brought us here.

Heading straight for the last door at the end of the hall, I swung it open.

"Where are we?" Madelyn questioned as I thrust her into the room swallowed in darkness.

The door shut behind us. Completely blind, I filled around for the switch and lights shot upon a grand stage surrounded by red seats. A Steinway was centered in the middle of the wooden floors where buckets of paint and props for an upcoming musical production- littered.

Madelyn turned to me with question marks in her abnormal gaze. She pointed downwards to gesture about the room in which we stood as if I had no clue.

"This is the auditorium," she stated.

"Yes." I nodded.

She rolled her eyes at my obvious tone. "What are we doing here? We're supposed to be meeting with the others for lunch."

"I need to talk to you."

"About what?" she inquired, crossing arms over her swelled chest.

Leaning back against the hood of the entrance like a lazy cat, I watched her from a distance. Dragging my gaze down her lovely body in uniform. The skirt wasn't small enough to reveal too much skin, but the exposure of thighs didn't stop me from imagining the dirty things I could to her. I always fantasized about fucking a schoolgirl in uniform, but none of the chicks appealed to since Carnation.

"Eyes up, Hansel." Madelyn snapped fingers in my face. 

Laughing it off, I noticed she wore the brochette we offered her back at the cabin- in Montana. Her birthday gift from us. Little did she understand the charm was a symbolic presentation to the entire school- and any fucker willing to make advances- that she was off limits.

She was ours.

"Has Kieran spoken to you?" I asked.

Madelyn frowned. "What does Kieran have to do with this?"

"Has he?" I pressed her.

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