~Chapter V~

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End Of Summer

MY EYES FLASHED OPENED FOR WHAT felt like the thousandth time in the past two years. Staring up at the ceiling- full of sweat -my breaths echoing across silence and darkness inside our dorm.

Shite. Another nightmare.

The dream was not as horrifc as the others before this, but three months away from the only person who seemed to stop them with the power of sleeping next to me; I have relapsed. Poe was unaware of my condition, therfore suffering in silence was what I had to endure until the new year rolled in.

The only people who knew were Ridley and Carnation, but the last was not by choice.

I pushed the wet bedsheets back from my body and scanned over the sleeping form beside me. His arm was angled across my collarbones and a bold leg had entwined with mine sometime in the middle of the night, as if to keep me from leaving. The paranoid bastard. Ever since I told him of my past he became an overprotective freak, however there was more tale to the past I have yet to divulge to him.

Only because I feared it may break him.

Luckily, I managed not to wake him this time. For someone so introverted and inhospitable with people outside our group, he sure did fancy cuddling. I slid out from underneath his weight as light snores echoed in the room.

I searched for a sweater before stepping into my trainers and escaping outside.

A good run will clear my head.

The campus was quiet in the early morning because everyone had left for vacation with their families. Phoenix went back to England with his father to overlook business with an invested partner. Hansel on the other hand returned to Poland with his grandmother after the scandal between Charlotte Moon's death and the arranged marriage his parents made with her father took to the media.

Miss Adeline wanted to avoid the media until the start of the new school, and even that was questioonable as Hansel said she wanted to homeschool him.

Since the chaos that broke out everyone was on alert; news stations leaked information on the Mayor and his children's abrupt kidnapping; the killings and near massacre at the Four Seasons made headlines. It felt like 1988, the city in fear of Jack The Ripper who sliced up several prostitutes and left no trace.

Reputations were at stake and as the Headmaster proclaimed, so would Raven Oak Prep.

I stopped at a random street light and swiped a hand down my sweated face as I caught my breath.

The sun was a faint illumination beyond the towering buildings surrounding me, but so was the early cold which swept over Seattle like a ominous cloud.


I was a naturally patient person, but when it came to her I have fallen out of routine. Much like these nightmares, however since the summer started I became overly paranoid. More so now that my father's mistress came back from her vacation in Paris.

I needed her like a druggie needed his next fix. I was addicted to her, and I didn't know how to stop. Was this what it feels like to be in love? So completely invested all you want is to be them? Or think of them?

I raised my face to the clouded skies, and exhaled.

Only a couple more days.

We will have time then, and I planned to keep her for good this time. All I have to do was get the others to agree.

Ridley most of all.

I continued a couple more miles before I headed back to the only place I felt at home. Not even my father's mansion felt comfortable for me to return to anymore, although he and mum left everything to me I was not due the responsibility until I turned eighteen; twenty-one for the loaded inheritage for college.

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