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TW's: mentions of abuse

-George POV-

I put in my airpods and looked out the window, the sun shone in my eyes as if it were trying to blind me, the clouds were a soft white glow that looked magical because this window was so greasy, the light blue of the sky was carrying the clouds as if it were a child, holding it like it was fragile and doing so gracefully. 

I sat up a little bit more in my uncomfortable airplane seat, trying to look at the ground. I succeeded and saw snow covering everything, all the trees, backyards, fields, and houses were covered in the white fluff. 

I was coming to see my best friend Clay, we had known each other since middle school but his family moved back to lake tahoe when he was 14, I hadn't seen him in almost 4 years, of course we called and stuff but it wasn't the same. We had planned for me to come today, on december 30th, and leave January 20th. 

Clay was a year older than me but was always in the same grade as me in school, he was 19 currently and I was 18, he had his own studio apartment and had finished high school like me, we were both taking a gap year. 

(A/N: were just saying that their 18 and 19, I know people are normally like 17 or 18 but yeah. 😀)

I was still lost in a train of thought when I felt us descending, I got scared for a moment, thinking we were crashing and then remembered we were in Tahoe already. 



my flight just landed, I'll be to the luggage thingy in a few minutes 

okay I'm at your "luggage thingy" right now


I rolled my eyes and then started collecting my stuff. 


I flinched and hid when I heard the loud noise, a memory coming to the back of my head.

(A/N: this is his memory in italics.)

I looked over and Luke was at my door frame, yelling hurtful things at me. I was sobbing quietly and then heard it, the loud bang of a bottle breaking. I jumped back, looking Luke in the eyes, his eyes looked scary, hurtful even. He walked over to me and slapped me across the face, then pushed me onto the wood floor. 

He yelled more things at me and then looked around at the glass on the floor, "clean this up." he growled at me. I couldn't move, I knew he was abusive he had hit me before, but this time it was different.

(memory over)

"Sorry everyone, I dropped my water bottle." A guy on the back of the plane said, looking around at everyone's faces.

I tried breathing slowly, like what I was told to do after I ran away from, him. I pinched all my fingers tightly and listed out things I saw in my head.

After about five minutes doing this, I got a little bit more calmed down, I grabbed my stuff and walked off the plane, trying not to make eye contact with anyone. Luke hated eye contact.

I tried to push Luke out of my brain as I walked down the hallways in the airport, everyone looked crusty and it smelled like body odor and sweat in here. 

I followed the signs that led me to 'baggage claim.' and stopped when I got to my planes baggage carousel. I grabbed my bag after about 5 minutes of waiting and pulled out my phone. 

I clicked on Clay's number and audio called him, he picked up after two rings and I put the phone to my ear, holding it tightly. 

"I got my bag." I said in my British accent.

"okay gogy." He said mocking my accent. 

"I hate you." 

"Well clearly you don't because you flew like 8 hours to see me." He said back, a smile in his voice. I rolled my eyes. "hey, don't roll your eyes at me." 

I perked my head up, eyes confused. I squinted, looking around. "what are you wearing?" I asked him, still looking around at people. 

"A green sweater and cut off baggy jeans."

I sighed, "Clay, I'm colorblind you dumbass." 

"oops." He said sarcastically with a laugh. 

"I'm walking toward you." he said and I suddenly became very aware of my surroundings, "want me to just lift you up and kidnap you?" He spoke again.

"no I do-" I was cut off by someone poking my shoulder and Clay ending the call, I turned around to see who touched me and was met with someone's face inches from mine. I stepped back a little bit, trying to see who this creepy guy was, when it finally clicked. "Clay!" I said excitedly, throwing my arms around his torso because of the height difference.

He hugged me back and then started wheezing, "you should've seen your face." He choked out, still wheezing loudly. 

"your so loud." I said, hitting his arm playfully. 

He grabbed my hand and ran through the airport, me stumbling behind. "WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU RUNNING?" I shouted to him as we got out the doors of the airport.

He giggled and continued running, I was on one hour of sleep and had only had a croissant, "were going to my car." He said smiling and looking back at me. 

I glared at him and spoke up. "why are we running there?" 

"Because that airport smells like ass and you probably need some fresh air."

I grinned, "true, true." I said. 

We got in his car and drove to his apartment listening to Arctic Monkeys. I fell asleep about halfway there. 


936 words. 

to clarify if you didn't read the book info, Luke is NOT punz. If there is a person that's named like a mcyt, it's not actually them. 

love you all,

Lav 🚆🏃‍♂️

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