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-George POV-

I woke up still in the warmth from last night. My eyes flicked open slowly and I saw that my head was on Clay's chest, his hands were grabbing me by the waist and I felt myself blush. I looked up at Clay and saw he was still asleep. Oh my fucking god he looks cute when he sleeps.

I detached his hands from my waist, after I did I immediately missed the feeling of someone touching me but decided to get over it, I got up and walked to the kitchen, deciding to make potatoes and toast. 

almost an hour later I finished cooking, I got bored halfway through cooking, that's why it took a hour, right as I was done Clay got up from the couch, his hair was messy and his shirt was down to his collarbone. 

"hi." I said sweetly, setting down his plate. 

"you didn't have to make breakfast." He said to me, walking across the room to me running his hands through his disheveled hair. I shrugged and he sat down, grabbing his fork and eating the potatoes.

-sorry for all the time skips I'm bored and in inperson school but timeskip to tonight-

It was around 9:30 pm and I had just gotten out of the shower when I heard loud music thumping through the whole studio. I came out of the small bathroom after drying off and putting clothes on, my hair still dripping down my back when I looked into the living room, Clay stood there, turning and dancing slowly. 

He looked graceful, not clunky or anything, he saw me staring at him and smiled. He help his hand out toward me and smiled. "c'mon." He said, still smiling and turned slowly. 

I smiled from his slow movements and welcoming smile but shook my head, I didn't like dancing. 

"life is too short not to slow dance." He said, walking over to me in the dimly lit room, he grabbed my hand and pulled me close to his body, on his way over to the living room, me walking beside him, he switched his phone, which was plugged into a over head speaker, to another song. 

Beautiful Boy by John Lennon switched on the speaker, starting at a low level and gradually getting higher until it was perfect. Clay squeezed my hand harder and pulled me into his chest, I put my hands on his shoulders  and he put his wrapped around my waist, as I was getting used to the swift steps, and swaying movement, I kept my head looking at our feet, making sure to get everything right. 

But when Clay started humming the song and I could feel his gaze looking at me, I lifted my head up and put my forehead on his chest, he continued humming and the whole rest of the night felt like a dream, I had rested my head on his shoulder instead, and we slow danced for almost an hour, going through almost 20 songs. 

When his whole playlist was done, we both stayed in a comfortable hug for a few minutes. I still has my arms around his neck, my hand linked together and I had my face in the crook of his neck, listening to him hum random songs. He had his hands on my hips and didn't move them, like they had permanently be placed there.

In this moment, where we were gently swaying together, bodies pressed up against each other I realized something. 

I had fallen in love with my best friend.


596 words

Try not to overthink things too much, 


Slow Dancing || DreamNotFoundWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt