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TW's: mentions of abuse & panic attack (these are like the only things 😃)

-George POV-

Clay sat down and pulled me into a big hug, I put my head on his shoulder and let my tears get wiped off my his jacket. "I'm so sorry. I should've known." He said sadly in a whisper. 

"Stop, you helped me a lot by distracting me, I didn't tell anyone so you wouldn't have known." 

"I'm so sorry." He said again. 

We sat on that bathroom floor hugging each other for like 10 minutes before I pulled back. "It stinks in here." I said quietly, laughing a little bit. 

His eyes looked sad, he was so genuine it hurt me. 

WAIT DID HE SAY HE WAS BI EARLIER?? I thought, trying to process what had been said, maybe I have a chance..? George, stop this. It's your best friend, nothing more, never will be anything more. 

"Let's go home." He said to me, grabbing my hand and leading me out the door, as we were walking out the door, I saw Luke turning around the room, still looking for someone. I was guessing that someone was me.

We quickly ran outside and got into his car, when we got in the car we both stared at each other, I started giggling, I don't even know why.

He looked at me confused before he started wheezing. "stopppppp." I told him laughing harder because of his wheeze.

We drove him in comfortable silence and sat on the couch on our phones again. The whole rest of the day was spent laying around being lazy, for dinner we ordered a pizza and watched a movie. 

Clay choose a horror movie and I sat next to him, I hated scary movies and he knew that, he was trying to torcher me. When all the jumpscares would come up I would grab his arm tightly and squeeze it, he would wheeze at me and then continue the movie, he would put funny comments when it was he scary parts that would make me laugh with him. I like this. I thought to myself, still laughing at the last joke he told. 

When the movie was almost over, he played a less scary one. Just as the movie started my eyes started drooping and I slumped over onto him, my head resting on his shoulder. 

when I was about to slip out of consciousness, I felt two arms grab around my waist, pulling me closer toward the warmth. 


421 words. 

sorry I got bored with this chapter and I'm having big time anxiety rn which isn't helping much.

Don't yell at friendly people,


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