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TW's: none :)

-George POV- 

It had been two days since me and Clay had slow danced, we had stayed inside, just enjoying each others presence and being online. 

I had just woken up, it was cold in the room and the sun shone in my eyes brightly, I looked to my right and Clay wasn't there, I got worried for a second before remembering that this was his studio and he probably knew what he was doing... unless? 

I got out of bed, my shirt was all twisted around my body and my pants were up to my knees, I quickly got changed in light purple / blue sweatpants and a black t-shirt that went to my hips, the shirt had a small box on it that had a cartoon in black and white and the ends of my sweatpants were scrunched together. 

After I got dressed I opened the curtain and saw Clay on the couch, he had on a deep purple hoodie and baggy jeans, his normal outfit I've realized. 

"Hi." I said, running a hand through my messy brunette hair, hoping to appear presentable. 

"hey," He said smiling at me as I sat down across the couch from him, he set down his phone and looked at me. "you like photography, right?" he asked me as I studied his sharp jawline and freckled face.

"yep!" I said back, happy that he knew this fact about me. When we were in high school I used to bring my camera everywhere, I would take pictures of things from the sky to my friends, and not to brag or anything, but they always turned out amazing. At my house in England I have a big picture wall of all the pictures I'd taken, I was very proud of it.

"I have a place for us to go, put on a jacket and stuff, we can pick up food on the way there." He said, getting up and walking to the bedroom. 

I got up and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth, when I got in the bathroom I noticed how happy I looked. I haven't looked this happy in almost a year, that made me smile even more. 

I quickly got ready to go and walked to the door where Clay was standing, he opened the door and bowed down like how he did at the ice skating rink "m' lady." He said. 

"Shut up." I said with a small giggle. 

We drove for a long 3 hours, we got mcdonald's when we were about a hour in. When he said we were there I looked at the small digital clock. It was 1:13, I nodded and looked back out the window, outside, you could see the lake, it was huge with large rocks in the middle of the water. I looked closer and saw the water was completely frozen over. "whoa." I said, fascinated by the frozen state of the lake. 

"is that all frozen?" I asked him in a almost whisper.

"yup." he said with a chuckle. 

"whoa." I said again, dragging out the o. 

He wheezed and then pulled into a big parking lot, it was almost all the way full but we found a small spot at the back.

I got out of the car, grabbing my small camera and phone. We walked side by side toward the frozen water, just as I was about to turn down a path to where everyone was, I felt Clay's hand pull me, I continued looking out at the frozen lake and let him pull me into the trees, when we had walked for about 5 minutes I looked back up at him, it looked like he was leading me away from the water.

"what the heck are you do-" I was cut off by the view, we were on top of a large rock that had trees surrounding it, in the middle was a small gray bench and the view, it was perfect. 

The water was frozen over here too, but what made this the best spot for me, was that the lake continued going, you couldn't see the end of the lake and the sun was right above it, making it the perfect picture. 

"ohmygosh." I said all in one word, looking at him. Our hands were still connected and I didn't pull my hand back. 

"hehehe." He said in a small laugh, bringing me over to the bench. I pulled out my camera,  taking pictures of the scenery.

After I had taken pictures we had sat together in a comfortable silence, I got a little cold but didn't want to ruin the peace. 

"Are you cold?" Clay asked me in a soft voice, I nodded and he opened his arms toward me, I scooted toward him and he pulled me close to him, grabbing me by the torso and bringing me on his side, I put my head on his shoulder comfortably and warmed up a bit. 

I was still a little cold but liked his effort, it made me get butterflies at least. 

I looked up at Clay, his jawline the only thing in my vision until he tilted his head down to look at me. Our faces were inches apart and he looked into my brown eyes as I looked into his green ones. 

"you're pretty." I whispered to him. 

I was met with something very unexpected, he leaned his head down and kissed me lightly, his lips like a ghost. 

I kissed back before he pulled back, looking at me and smiling, I smiled back at him and that seemed to brighter his smile impossibly more. 

We sat in silence the rest of the time on the bench, I moved more into his lap, him holding my torso still. I leaned my head back so my mouth was near his ear, "Clay, I like you as more than a friend.." I said reluctantly but surely at the same time. 

"I like you as more than a friend too." He whispered back in my ear, like it was a secret. 

We smiled at each other and I stretched my neck up, kissing him passionately on the lips. He kissed back and secured his arms around me as if he was protecting me. 

"Can I take you somewhere else tomorrow night?" He talked softly.

I nodded and leaned back into his touch. 

We spent another hour sitting there together, I took some pictures on my phone of us together and then we left hand in hand, when we got into the car it was all normal until Clay reached over and put his hand on my lower thigh, it made me squirm for a second but then I realized I liked it. I looked over at him and smiled, it was golden hour and his hair and eyes looked beautiful in the light. 

He looked over at me and smiled, "You said I was pretty." He said with a small laugh.

"Did I lie?" I mumbled. 

"Nope." He said and I laughed at this, he knew he was. 


1178 words. 

don't put off math to the last minute,


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