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TW's: language, mentions of abuse.

-George POV-

It was 3:18 and Clay was taking a nap, I decided this was my chance, I knew what I was doing. 

I got on a jacket and walked outside, frigid air hitting my face like a slap. I walked around the block, ducking my head down to avoid being too cold, when I got to where Luke said to go, he was standing there. 

We made eye contact and I walked toward him, now leaning my head up to look him right in the eyes. "Hey ba-" He was cut off by me smacking him, something had snapped in me and I wasn't done yet, I shoved him onto the ground with all the force I had. He yelped and I just stared into his eyes. 

"that's how it felt, to be abused. Every fucking day you did this shit to me, you know why I ran away from you? I hate you. I never wanted to see you again. Don't come into my life to 'take me back.' I ran away from you for a reason, every day I had to put up with your abuse and YOU in general and I'm done with it. You are never going to get me back." I said, kicking his shin for fun. 

"George, I'm not doing well. I need you." He said, his voice raspy from smoking cigarettes. 

"Should've thought about that before you abused and used me. I knew you cheated on me throughout our relationship, I had friends that went to the same parties as you. I knew everything you did and I stayed with you for almost 2 years because I convinced myself that's what I deserved. That's not what I deserved, I'm fucking happy now so don't come ruin that just so I could be your toy again." I spat. Looking at him angrily. "Get the hell away from me before I call the fucking police." I said and watched as he started walking away. 

"And don't come back." I added, now walking backward, back toward the apartment. He didn't try to come after me, I hoped I had scared him off. 

I walked into the apartment building, I got in the elevator and walked to Clay's studio, when I got inside he was awake on the couch, he was typing furiously on his phone and I went up behind him, I hugged him from behind and he seemed to tense before calming down and realizing it was me. 

He shot up and ran around the couch to hug me. "you're okay." He whispered to me, hugging me tight. 

I unlatched from his grip, cupping his face, "I'm okay, alright." I said to him, looking deep into his eyes. 

"where did you go?" He said still whispering. 

"I went to go beat him up." I said flatly. 

He smiled at me and hugged me tighter, "please don't leave me again." 

"Okay, okay. Only for you." I said, hugging back and smiling. 

He pulled back looking at me curiously. "Wait, you beat someone up?" He sounded surprised, I was too.

"yep!" I said in a cheerful tone, "Want to order pizza tonight?" I asked, changing the subject.

"sure...?" He said, laughing hard from my response. 

We sat on the couch and Clay picked a movie for us to watch before eating. Clay sat down on the long part of the couch and motioned for me to come over, I laid down on top of him and let him play with my hair while he was watching the movie. Every now and then he would kiss the top of my head and hug me onto his body tighter.

When the movie was done we sat together for awhile more, until Clay picked up his phone, ordering pizza. 

That night we ate and then watched another movie, we fell asleep on the couch together. Right before I slipped out of consciousness I heard him say "I love you."


660 words. 

I'm watching corpse get kicked out of the salad gang,


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