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pansy says, mattheo stops kissing you and turns to pansy.

" what pansy?"

" why do you have so many fucking names?"

She says and you giggle a little.

" yeah Theo, why so many?"

You say

" well,uh- my name is Theodore roedes nott, but I'm not to fond with my last name.."

he says looking down

" and when I was younger my mum used to call me mattheo as a nickname so... sometimes people call me that..."

pansy felt bad for asking, I saw how sad he looked and I rubbed his back


When the Hogwarts Express stopped in Hogsmeade another hour later, you didn't have time to question Draco. Theo pulled you out of your compartment quickly, following Blaise and Daphne, Crabbe, and Goyle, with Astoria, Adrian, and Pansy behind you, to the carriages.

" hey, i'm sorry for asking"

Pansy says

" oh it's cool, don't sweat it,"

Theodore says

"Dray, aren't you coming?" Pansy asked as the eight of you made your way to the exits.

"Go on ahead, I have something I need to take care of," Draco replied stonily.

You knew exactly what he was doing...

For some reason you were kind of worried...

" knock it off y/n!!"

You said to yourself, you pushed all those Thoughts to the back of your mind...

Pansy frowned but nodded. You glanced back at your compartment one last time to see Draco looking murderous as he pulled the blinds down on the closed door. Only a few moments later, Theo pulled you into the nearest carriage and your view of the train was gone.

A/N: HEYYY GUYS IM BACKKKK!!! I hope you liked this one, and It answered some of your guys questions to, if you would like to please comment and vote 😙😜😀😍

Everything I'm supposed to hate • Harry J. Potter •Where stories live. Discover now