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Yeah, so...Jinwoo was at the resturaunt.

He ended up following Myungjun to his date to spy on him. Jinwoo couldn't hear anything, all he could do was watch.

It wasn't like he was obsessed or anything! He just wanted to make sure Myungjun didn't get hurt... or catfished by an old man... or something like that.

But what he got from it was that they were very close with one-another, despite the fact that they had only just met in-person. Unless they had been talking for a while and Jinwoo hadn't even known it? But Myungjun would have told him, right?

Jinwoo dressed in dark clothes and a face-mask to disguise himself as best as he could. But judging on how focused the two were on each-other in his eyes, he probably didn't need a disguise.

He exited the resturaunt when they were just about to leave and stood at the bus-stop nearby to watch them walk out. Seeing how happy they were together, he frowned and got on the bus before he would be hurt even more.

Luckily, he arrived home before Myungjun, and he quickly dressed into the clothing he was wearing before.

Exactly a minute later, he heard the front door open and then two voices. He peeked out of his room and saw Myungjun speaking to the guy he went on a date with.

"-That was fun. Thank you for meeting with me." The male said, smiling down at Myungjun. He then glanced at Jinwoo and they made eye-contact for a split second. He gave a fake, small smile to him, and he reverted his attention back to Myungjun.

"Of course. Get back safely." Myungjun responded. After sending him off, he closed the door.

Jinwoo wore a small pout but quickly smirked at Myungjun who turned around to see him. He decided to disguise his jealousy with teasing.

"Wow, I don't think anyone has ever came up here to say goodbye. I guess things went well, huh?"

"Yeah, it was fun." Myungjun replied to him with a shrug.

"I would have expected you to invite him in." He suggested and then earned a small punch on his arm. He gave a fake wince, and Myungjun glared at him as he walked past.

"Don't tease me. And that would just be impolite."

"Yeah, yeah."


"He found someone. Isn't that what this means? He finally succeeded?"

"I'm his friend, I should be happy for him. I'm just sitting here sulking in my room instead."

"He's rooting for me. Why can't I do that for him?"

"We've already been over this, Jinwoo."







"Yeah, I know."

"Maybe I shouldn't have agreed to the beneficial friendship."

"If I hadn't, I wouldn't be thinking that I might have a chance."

"Why has it come to this?"

"Why did I have to be a pussy and avoid asking him out?"

"Would've been so much better than doing this shit."

"To watch him go out with men all the time."

"Hoping and praying he would get rejected."

"And since he does, I'd cheer him up by fucking the shit out of him."

"All we are is fuck buddies."

"What a stupid fucking role to play."

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