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The last few days, Myungjun had been doing anything to avoid him; including waking up before Jinwoo, and leaving for classes earlier than usual, and also coming back home later when Jinwoo was already sleeping.

Jinwoo was sick of it; he knew the game Myungjun was trying to play. Myungjun's upset at him, but why though? What did I do wrong to him?

"Dude, I just don't understand it. Ever since Friday, he's not said a word to me."

"He's mad at you probably."

"Way to state the fucking OBVIOUS?! I'm trying to figure 'why'?" Jinwoo scoffed.

"Maybe cus' you lied to him about eating out with us but went to a party where you made-out with a girl." Dongmin suggested.

"But why would he be mad about that? He broke it off with me. He's always told me to go find a girlfriend or something, and because I kiss a girl; he's upset? Doesn't make any sense. And how would he even know about that?"

"Someone filmed it and sent it to him." Dongmin said.

"And maybe he actually likes you." Bin said, with a shrug.

"Nonsense; he's dating that Hoseok guy." Jinwoo replied. "And why can't people let me have my private life? It's none of their business."

"But have you actually ever asked him?" Dongmin wondered. "He's never confirmed anything, from what you've said."

"They fell asleep on the couch cuddling, how are they not?"

"Some friends just cuddle together, and it's totally platonic. You and him had sex and cuddled and did anything a couple does together; yet you weren't dating." Bin said. "Maybe he's doing this to make you jealous."

"Maybe you're right, but would if you're wrong and he just cuts me off completely if I tell him?"

"Then get over it. You got your answer, if he doesn't want you, that's fine." Dongmin said. "But I doubt it will happen."



"I thought you said you didn't care if he dated some other girls; why are you ignoring him?"

"I am okay with him dating a girl, and I'm not ignoring him!"

"Right, I believe you." Hoseok said, sarcastically, and Myungjun glared at him. "Just come to terms with the fact that you're upset with it. It's harder to get over something when you don't accept it bothers you."

"Whatever." Myungjun shook his head. "I'm so tired of all of this shit between us. He doesn't like me; why am I still trying?"

"Believe what you want, but I think he likes you." Hoseok shrugged.


"I knew you would say that, but you should talk to him! Seriously." Hoseok added. "I'm just trying to help."

"I know. I will one day when I feel like I will be numb to the pain of him ending our friendship."

"Overdramatic ass."

"Would if he does?!"

"I'm sure he won't cut you off because you like him. If anything, he'll ask you to date him and you'll live happily-ever-after." Hoseok said.

"Stop giving me false hope!"

"But I am J-Hope, I am supposed to give you hope!"


a/n quick update because i dont know what to write lol

i am about to go back to school in 2 days so i wont be very actively updating often , but i will try to update as much as i can

sorry everyone

-corbin <3 (they/them)

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