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Jinwoo woke up in an empty bed once again. As his eyes adjusted to the light, it had appeared Myungjun was not in the room, or in the bed with him.

He got out of bed and walked out of his room, hoping he would see Myungjun, but he was nowhere in sight. Jinwoo searched each room; still couldn't find him.

I thought we were on good terms..? Why did he leave so early?

He went back to his room and grabbed his phone, sending a text to Myungjun.

where did u go?
i thought we were cool again

While waiting for a response, he decided to get ready for school as he usually would.

When he was finished, though, he still hadn't recieved a message in reply.

Is he still ignoring me?

Just as he was about to get sulky, his phone chimed.

Sorry i had to meet my professor this morning
Im on my way back with coffee tho
This is the last time i leave so early, i promise

oh ok
its fine i was just worried

im sorry
im almost back

Jinwoo sighed in relief and put his phone down. I'm being overdramatic.

Another minute passed, and Myungjun walked in. "Goodmorning." He said, and placed the drink carrier on the counter after closing the door.


The two didn't know much what to say to each other. Everything was quite awkward.

Without saying a word, Jinwoo grabbed his school bag and his coffee, and walked out the door; Myungjun following him.

"Can we stop being so awkward?" Myungjun asked, and linked their arms together. "We're dating now, and this is how we act?"

"I'm tired; when have you ever heard me say much in the morning?" Jinwoo said. "Also, what should I really say?"

"True..." Myungjun agreed. "And I don't know... Say whatever is on your mind, I guess?"

"You look cute today." Jinwoo mumbled.

"Thank you...you look cute too." Myungjun replied. "Is that really what was on your mind?"


Myungjun looked down at the ground, smiling to himself as they continued to walk together. Everything is fixed; we're dating... I still can't believe this.


Myungjun and Jinwoo came home together after school, and immediately crashed on the couch to eat and watch a movie.

As the credits rolled, Jinwoo moved away from their cuddling position and grabbed the TV-remote and turned off the TV.

"That was a good movie." Myungjun said.

"You fell asleep halfway through." Jinwoo chuckled. "You just woke up when I moved."

"Lies." Myungjun replied, with a small smile.

"Are you tired?"

"Not really. That small cat-nap got me energized." Myungjun answered. "You?"

"I'm not that tired." Jinwoo said, with a shrug. "We should be going to sleep soon, though."

"Well, how? If we're not tired...?" Myungjun said, and sat up on the couch.

"Then...you wanna do something, to tire you out?" Jinwoo suggested. "If you know what I mean?"

"Hah, I know exactly what you mean..." Myungjun chuckled, and turned towards Jinwoo. He leaned in, closing his eyes.

They connected their lips quickly in a long kiss of passion and heat. Jinwoo wrapped his arms around Myungjun's waist, pulling him much closer, if it was even possible to be any closer. Myungjun gripped Jinwoo's biceps, and melted into his kiss.

Jinwoo reached down to grab Myungjun's ass, squeezing it gently; he felt the vibration of a small growl coming from Myungjun as they kissed.

Myungjun disconnected their lips, and stood up. He took off his own shirt, and even started taking off his pants. Jinwoo quickly did the same thing, and Myungjun crawled into his lap.

Myungjun pulled Jinwoo's hair as they started to kiss again, and slowly made-out with him; they occasionally nibbled at each other's lips until they were swollen.

Jinwoo started to lead his kiss down to Myungjun's neck, purposely creating large marks on his skin.

"I need you so badly..." Myungjun groaned, and threw his head back slightly. "Please, Jin-ah..."

"Be patient..."


a/n hi
im not finishing the smut

thank you for reading, have a nice day / afternoon/ night

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