night sky

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Zayn and I have been together for four months now, but it feels like it was only yesterday.
It was already dark and I was about to go to bed until something knocked at our front door. I ran down the stairs and Zayn was there.
"Would you like to take a little walk?"
I grinned at him and took his hand. We walked all over our neighborhood and then came to a dirt road. Zayn spread a blanket on the floor and we started cuddling and kissing each other. We looked up at the night sky until suddenly a falling star came.
"Make a wish, babe." I said.
"Already done."
He kissed me on the cheek. I also wished for something. Unfortunately, I couldn't tell him what, otherwise the wish wouldn't come true, but I knew what to say to him.
I lay on his chest and moved my head up to look at him. Even though it's dark, I can see his face perfectly.
"I love you."
Zayn looked surprised, but happy.
"And I love you."
That was such a wonderful moment. Our first ‚i love you's'. Shortly afterwards I felt his soft lips on mine. He pulled me closer to his body. I sat on top of him and his hand moved from my hip to my ass, that was amazing. I love making out with Zayn.
When he wanted to take off my top, I said:
"Zayn, I'm not ready yet."-
"Oh, I am so sorry, I..."-
"Its okay, babe, but I need some time."-
"No problem. I'm waiting for you."
I gave him a long kiss and then we made our way back home.

I lay in bed and thought about this evening. Fortunately he reacted that way, not many people do that. I am so happy to have him by my side. I thought about him a long time until I fall asleep.

The next morning my mother woke me up hysterically:
"Amy! Amy! Wake up! Amira!"
When I woke up I asked:
"What's going on?"
I saw that she was crying. In a trembling voice she said:
"Zayn is in hospital. He and his mother wanted to go shopping and they had a serious car accident."
I cried immediately and replied:
"Please drive me to the hospital now. I have to go to Zayn."-
"Yes, I'll go downstairs."
Howling and scared, I quickly put on something.
I shivered the entire drive. Is Zayn okay? Did he survive? Will he make it? So many unanswered questions on my mind. My mother noticed that I am not feeling well and tried to cheer me up:
"It's going to be okay, honey."
I got very mad and screamed at her:
"How? My boyfriend is in hospital and I have no idea  how he's doing! I... Oh, I am sorry, mam, I didn't mean to yell at you. I am just so scared."-
"I understand you."

When we got to the hospital, we found out where Zayn was. We got his room number. I went straight into his room and my mother was waiting outside.
Zayn's mother sat next to him. She was fine.
"Hello Amira, I'm so happy to see you."-
"Hello. How are you? How is Zayn?"-
"The doctors think he will make it, but his condition is getting worse. Nothing happened to me."
I didn't know what to say.
"I'll leave you guys alone."
She left the room. Zayn was still sleeping. He had a head injury and a cast around his left arm. I sat down on the little chair next to his bed and hold his right hand.
"Hi babe. It's me, Amira. Can you hear me?"
I saw a small but noticeable smile on his face.
"You can do it, Zayn. You have to. I can't lose you. What I said yesterday wasn't a lie. I really love you, Zayn. More than anything else. I don't know if it's too early to say that, but I just want you to know."
I felt his hand press mine lightly and I gave him a kiss on his cheek. A tear rolled down my face and I wiped it away. I overheard our mothers talking about us in the hallway. I was so happy that our parents support us so much.

About an hour later, Zayn woke up. He grinned at me and I grinned back. He looked very exhausted and in a weak voice he said:
"Hi babe."
I waved at him. A few minutes later a doctor came in to examine Zayn, so I had to leave the room and went to my mother in the hallway. When the doctor came out again he said:
"He will do it, but he needs a lot of rest."-
"Ok, thank you. Then we'd better go now."
My mom said. I was very sad but agreed:
"May I say goodbye to him?"
The doctor nodded. I stepped in the room, gave him a little peck on his lips and then we drove back home. I was so relieved, that Zayn is doing reasonably well and I hoped that he could he home soon.

After my family and I had dinner, our telephone rang. I got up and picked it up.
"Hello. Zayn here. I'm calling from the hospital."-
"Hi. How are you? Anything new?"-
"I'm fine. And actually yes. The doctor said, that I can go home tomorrow."-
"Really? This is great! I'm glad."-
"I have to hang up now. Wanna come over tomorrow?"-
"You sure? I thought you should rest."-
"Yeah, please come over. I need you right now."-
"Ok, I will be there. Bye."
I hung up, went back to dinner and told my family about the news. I was so excited.
In the end everything will be fine again.

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