loving is easy?

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My phone rang. It was Zayn. I took the call with a big smile:
"Hi, babe. How are you?"-
"Hi, lass. I'm fine, but I miss you so much. Anything new in Bradford?"-
"No, everything is normal here. Except that almost everybody is talking about this handsome boy called ‚Zayn Malik'. Do you know him?"-
"Maybe I do know him. But wait, really? That's crazy."-
"Yes, I am not kidding. I'm so proud of you."-
"Thank you. That means a lot to me."-
"Why do you have to be so far away? I want you to be here, lying next to me."
A tear rolled down my cheek.
"Don't cry, babe. I'll be back soon, I promise. Believe me, I would love to be with you right now and would love to cuddle with you and other things. But hey, I'll have you back in a few days."
In the background I heard voices.
"Zayn, hang up. You have to go on."-
"Yes, sorry. I'm coming. Amira, can we talk again tomorrow? Must go. I love you."-
"Yeah, of course. Love you too."

The management of One Direction was the horror. I didn't like them from the start, but I thought the relationship would get better when they weren't on the X-Factor anymore. But it's getting worse. I really wish I could do something about it.

The next morning I woke up to the doorbell. Tired, I got up to open the door. When I opened the door and my vision was still slightly blurred, I saw a familiar face. No there were five.
It was Zayn, Louis, Niall, Liam and Harry. I immediately hugged all of them and gave Zayn a kiss. We went into my living room, sat down and started talking about their first big world tour.
"I'm literally so proud of you, guys. And I have some exciting news: I got tickets!"
Niall:"That's so cool! You gotta have the best time of your life."-
Louis:"Of course she will."-
Harry:"I hope you will be in the front row."-
"Yeah, i hope so!"
We talked a little longer and a few hours later the boys had to go. Zayn stayed.
We were lying in my bed, starring into each other's eyes. I leaned in for a kiss, but Zayn interrupted me:
"Wait. Amira, I need to talk to you. It's about us."-
"Why? What's happening? Did anything happen?"-
"You see, it can't go on like this. I see you once in a month if things are going well. I don't know how long I can go on with this. I miss you all the time, but..."-
"Hold up...Wait a minute. Are you trying to break up with me right now? After all we've been through, you're just gonna break up? Why? Of course, it sucks right now but it will get better. We can do this."-
"You're right. We can, but I don't want to do this. I'm sorry to say this, but it's over. Bye, Amira."-
"Zayn, please don't leave me! I need you! You are everything to me. You know that I love you. Why are you doing this? Why do you want to give up on us? As long as we love each other, the distance doesn't matter."-
"Amira...I can't do that."-
"Why damn it?! You once said yourself that we can do everything together. Then why shouldn't we be able to do this? Please give me a reason, Zayn. You can't just walk always from your problems. Please, I need you. I love you, Zayn. I..."-
"It's over."
He walked out of my room and I had the biggest mental breakdown. I screamed in my pillow and cried.

My brother Max overheard me and walked over to my room. When I saw him standing in the doorway and I got up to hug him. He held me very tight and whispered:
"Everything will be fine, okay? What actually happened?"-
"Zayn happened...He broke up with me, because we don't see each other that often. I tried to convince him to stay with me, Max. I failed. What should I do now? I do love him. I can no longer imagine a life without him by my side anymore. He makes me complete. He makes me happy. He makes me a better person. He...fuck! I love him so much."-
"Listen, the first heartbreak is the worst. Believe me, been there, done there. But it will also pass. It's really sad that it happened that way, but I think you can make it. Wasn't he your best friend too? So it can't be quite over yet. You can stay best friends."-
"That's the problem. I want him as my boyfriend. I want him by my side when I wake up. I want him to father my kids. I love him, Max. Even if many people say that at my age you don't know anything about love. I know that I love him and only him. I can't and I don't want to love anybody else. I just want him. We are meant to be. I mean, it can't be a coincidence that I had to sit next to him and that we got closer. Our story is special. It can't end like this, not now."-
"Wow, you make me cry. I've never seen you so emotional. You really love him, you can tell. Do you want to talk to him about it? Maybe you can give it a try."-
"I want to talk to him, but I don't know if he wants to. I would tell him everything like right now."-
"Then do it. Come on, I'll drive you."
I grinned and hugged him.
"Thank you, bro. You're the best brother worldwide, love ya."-
"That's what I'm here for. I can't let your heart stay broken, can I?"

We sat in the car on the way to Zayn's house and I was shaking like crazy.
"We are there. Come and get your boy back."-
"Thank you."
I watched him drive away and then my cold hand moved towards the bell. Zayn's mother opened the door and when she saw my tears, she asked:
"Hello, Amira. What's wrong?"
Apparently Zayn hadn't said anything.
"Didn't Zayn say anything?"-
"Eh, no. What happened?"-
"He broke up with me. I really need to talk to him, please."-
"Of course, come inside. He's upstairs."
I went to his room and opened the door.
"What are you doing here?"-
"Can we talk again, please? It can't end like this with us, can it? It can't be over yet."-
"It's better that way, Amira."-
"How can you say that? Are you kidding me? I reall thought I meant something to you. Please tell me that all what we had wasn't a big lie."-
"I really loved you, but it's over now. Accept it."-
"You're such a asshole! Have fun on your great tour.  I won't come!"
I took the ticket out of my pocket and tore it up. The scraps lay on the floor. Zayn looked shocked.
I slammed the door with full force and ran out of the house crying . When I got home, I lay in my bed and stayed up all night. I thought of every single moment with Zayn. I really thought we'd be together forever. Why is it over now?

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