master plan

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So Zayn, Perrie and I had this plan with the secret relationship, which worked really well. It was so much fun kidding the paparazzi. A lot of articles were published about us in the media:
"Is Zayn Malik dating his first love again?"
"Zayn Malik and his two girlfriends were seen in Bradford."

Of course, many directioners also had their theories and rumors about us that made us laugh so hard. Some thought, that me and Zayn were planning to kill Perrie, which was kinda funny to us.
Zayn:"This is so funny, man!"-
"Babe, what do you mean with funny? We really wanted to kill her, duh."
Perrie:"Hahahah, i love you guys. But seriously what are we going to do now? It's been three months. We can't just lie forever. I think we should talk to Simon Cowell and clarify the situation. I know it's not easy, but we have to do this."-
"If I'm honest, I'm sick of all these lies. I hate lying to all of our fans. Maybe we all should talk Simon?"-
Zayn:"Yes! The three of us. But I'm really scared how he will react."-
"Believe me, me too, but at some point we have no other choice. There is no point in going on like this. I want to run around with you again and show everybody how much I love you. I want to fucking scream it to the world, babe."-
Perrie:"I agree with Amira! You guys love each other more than I love pizza and I really really love pizza. You're fucking soulmates and if Simon doesn't see that, he is an blind asshole."-
"Is he already anyways."-
Zayn:"Amira, don't say that. Think about what he did for us."-
"Wow (sarcastic), he put you in a band together, but he controls you, your music and your life. You can't make one decision alone. Look at Harry and Lou. They weren't allowed to be in a relationship either."-
Perrie:"Yes, but unfortunately there is nothing we can do about that. We can only talk to him and hope for the best."

We nodded and figured out how to talk to him or them. In the end we decided to go to Simon's house tomorrow to talk to him. We were so excited and kinda afraid, because we didn't know what to expect. But lets just hope for the best.

Zayn and I were laying in bed cuddling, while Perrie slept on my couch downstairs. I decided to break the silence:
"Imagine Simon is in a good mood tomorrow and he will let us be together in public again."-
"I think this would be the best day of my life. After our anniversary of course. I miss having dates with you."-
"Ugh, same. *kiss on the cheek* I really hate you, boo."-
"I hate you, too." *kiss on the forehead*
"Let's sleep now. We have to be fit tomorrow."
We said our goodnights and fell asleep.

"Good morning, lovebirds! Today Simon will get confronted, get up! We have to go!"-
"Good morning, Perrie!"-
Perrie:"I'm literally so excited for later. I can't believe we're doing this!"-
Zayn:"This is going to be insane!"
We got up to get ready. When we sat in our car we nearly talked the whole journey. We listened to the radio. Beyoncé was singing her soul out, while we were just sitting there saying nothing. The silence was so creepy, but nobody knew what to say. Then we finally arrived at his villa, where he opened the door for us in amazement and invited us in.

Simon:"So, why are you guys here?"-
"We wanted to talk to you about our situation. Zayn and I realized we can no longer keep our relationship a secret. It's getting so hard to not being able to hold hands in public or stuff like that."-
Perrie:"And I no longer want to be Zayn's alleged girlfriend. All these lies need to stop."-
Simon:"Uh, okay and now? What am I supposed to do about it? That's all good for business. Everything stays as it is."-
Zayn:"No, Simon. It won't stay that way! I'm no longer letting the girl I love get sucked into it. The same goes to Perrie. I don't give a shit about this business stuff! What's the point of all this crap if I'm not happy?"-
Simon:"What do you mean with ‚not happy'? I give you and the other boys everything you need. Money, fame and popularity."-
"But this isn't what life is about, Simon. People need love and happiness. Look, it's not only about us. Harry and Louis are not allowed to be in a relationship, because it is supposedly bad for their reputation. Thats complete bullshit! Yeah, they are gay, but this doesn't mean that this is bad for their career. The truth is you're just a homophobic piece of shit!"-
Simon:"What did you just call me?"-
Perrie:"Amira just said what we all think. She's spilling facts."-
Zayn:"Simon, do you know how hard it is to have to hide your beloved? Always pretending to love someone else? Never being able to be alone with her in public? No, right?"-
Simon:"I don't want to hear this! Everything stays the same! And no go the fuck out of my house!"

We went back to the car in silence. When we sat back in the car, I was so angry:
"I can't describe how much I hate him now!"-
Perrie:"Same, sis. I'm very very mad."-
Zayn:"What are we going do to now?"-
Perrie:"Maybe kicking his fucking ass?"-
"Count me in, babe! Ok but seriously, we can't just keep going on with these lies."
We thought about, how to move on. And suddenly after a lot of thinking I knew what to do:
"I know it!"-
Zayn:"What, babe? Do you think it's gonna work?"-
"Trust me, it has to work: We don't do what Simon says!"-
Perrie:"Yes, bitch! We do it ourselves! What else is social media for?"-
Zayn:"I fucking love this plan! Doing it right now."

[@zaynmalik via Twitter: Hey Guys, wassup! Just wanted to tell you, that all these rumors about Amira and me are real. I love this girl with my whole heart. Proud to call her officially mine again.]

This tweet went viral within minutes. One million likes in a few minutes! We couldn't believe what we saw. The fandom escalated so quickly and send us videos of them crying, because they were so happy for us. But then we got interrupted by Zayn's phone ringing:
"Hello Simon, long time no see."-
"Zayn, I dare you to delete this tweet!"-
"Na, I don't do what Simon says."
He hung up. We laughed so hard after this.
"Babe, I'm so proud of you! You finally did it. But do you have an idea what we can do with Larry?"-
Perrie:"Maybe doing the same thing as us. Simon's career is going die then. I would love to see that."
We immediately called Harry to tell him about our plan:

"Hey Harry, do you have one minute?"

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