George's best friend

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"George!" Aunt Fanny yelled from downstairs, trying to get the rebellious girl's attention. 

George had previously been shouted at by her father, Uncle Quentin, to get control of the dog, Timmy. A loud groan was heard before stomps from the huffy girl began coming down the stairs. George appeared at the bottom of the stairs and raised her eyebrows at mother, still not noticing her best friend beside Aunt Fanny. George's mother had to gesture towards Cassia to get George to notice her. George's stroppy face soon lit up as her eyes laid on her best friend and Cassia's dog, a Golden Retriever, Roxy. Cassia and George have been best friends since the first time they met at the beach.

Cassia had gone down to the beach to have some fresh air with her her dog, Roxy. The beach was the best place to get away from everything. The soft feeling of the sand under feet, the cold waves splashing and the smell of the air surrounding you. Cassia had sat down on the wall, separating the ground of the village from the sand. The girl was enjoying the feel of her chestnut brown hair in the breeze and watching the blue waves when Roxy started running towards another dog. Cassia jumped off of the wall and ran after Roxy, calling her to stop but she just wouldn't. The Border Collie, the dog that Roxy was running towards, had started barking at the Golden Retriever. The owner of the Border Collie had grabbed hold of their dog and tried to calm it down. They owner was a curly haired, brunette boy. He was wearing dark blue shorts and a white shirt with a light brown, sleeveless jumper on top. The brown haired boy lost grip of the dogs collar and the dog ran towards Roxy. The two dogs crashed into each other and began to sniff each other, occasionally barking excitedly. Cassia had made it over to the scene and pulled Roxy off of the the other dog but the Border Collie still tried sniffing Roxy. The brunette boy had made his way over and grabbed the other dog's collar. "Get your dog under control!" The boy demanded. Cassia was surprised at how demanding he was but also how the boy didn't sound like one nor look like a boy. "Do you hear me?" The owner of the Border Collie, "I said get that dog in control!" Cassia was furious at being demanded it like that. She wouldn't have minded if it was just Roxy that was going crazy but it wasn't just Roxy. "You need to get your dog under control too!" Cassia shouted back. "My dog wouldn't be out of control if your dog hadn't been out of control first!" The curly haired boy shouted at her again. The argument went on for along time, each owner coming out with good come back. After a good few minutes, the argument was stopped by the fisher boy, Alf. The fisher boy was wearing a black beanie, covering most of his light brown hair. His light grey shorts and jumper had a few holes in them. Alf was Cassia's only friend and by the way things were going with her parents, it looks like that was the way things were going to be for a long time. "You two are going to shake on it that it was neither of your's fault, ok?" Alf said, hands up in front as a way to break up the argument before it led onto anything else. The curly haired brunette boy rolled his eyes as Cassia let out a huff and they both shook each others hands. "Now I trust you two to not start an argument if I go so goodbye girls" Alf waved as he walked off. Girls!? But weren't they a boy? As if able to read Cassia's mind, the brunette leaned forward. "Yes, I am a girl but I would prefer it if you referred to me as a boy" They whispered in her ear. "My name is George by the way" She said, giving a small smile. "Cassia" The chestnut brown haired girl said. The two girls looked down and saw that the two dogs were sniffing each other. They return to gazing at each other and laugh a little. Ever since then the two dogs have been incredibly excited whenever they saw each other. Over time, the two girls bonded and they have become great friends. 

"Come on up Cassia" George gestured for her to follow up the stairs. 

Cassia smiled at Aunt Fanny and left walking up the brown, wooden stairs. George lead her across the landing and into George's bedroom. George slumped down on her as Cassia and Roxy walk into the room. Cassia sat at the end of the bed, a few centimeters from George's feet, admiring the room. It was quite a big room compared to her own and was really messy as well. When Cassia first came into George's room, she wasn't surprised at the mess because with a personality like George had, you probably never cared to clean your room or you never had the time. 

While Roxy and Timmy were laid down beside each other, George and Cassia spoke about possible things to do this summer. 

"How about we go camping together with my cousins?" George suggested, "They are coming round in an hours time to spend the summer here so why not?" 

"That's a good idea" Cassia said. 

Cassia liked this idea very much as she had met the Barnards a couple of times. She thought they were very friendly and grew fond of them during the times they met. Although Cassia would never admit it, she fancied Dick. It wasn't too big of a crush but she would never tell George in case she had the wrong idea of her only going round there for him. 

After a long time of discussing where they would like to go camping, Aunt Fanny called them to come down for lunch. The two girls and their dogs raced down the stairs, suddenly realising how hungry they were. Before they even came within five metres of the dining room, they noses were filled with the delicious smell of the food. The four entered the dining room to see a massive lunch laid on the table in front of them. The two girls sat down at the table as the dogs hurried off to eat the meat placed in two bowls. In the middle of eating a ham and cheese sandwich, there was a knock at the door. Aunt Fanny walked down the hallway, towards the door, and opened it. The Barnards had arrived. 

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