Camping trip

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The three girls and Timmy were awoken by Aunt Fanny opening the curtains. George let out a groan and hid under the covers. She was never good with mornings. Cassia grabbed for her glass of water and took a sip. Her eyes wandered around the room, making mental notes of the things to pack. Cassia's eyes stopped on Anne, making sure she had an alright night. Anne smiled, Cassia smiling back as Anne's smile was contagious. 

"What time is it?" George asked, slowly getting off of her bed. 

"Six O'clock" Cassia replied, looking at the little clock that was on her bedside cabinet. 

"What!" George shouted, "This is way to early for me!"

The two girls laugh as they watched George storm out of the room and to the bathroom to brush her teeth. Anne and Cassia decided that because George was in a bad mood, that they would get dressed and then go to brush their teeth. Both girls were facing different walls, promising not to look at each other. As they were taking off their nightgowns, Julian walked in. Both girls let out a scream in a rush to cover themselves. The two picked up their pillows and chucked them at him. Julian had his hands up in defence, protecting himself from the pillows as he walked out. Both girls sighed in relief. 

"Aunt Fanny says breakfast will be ready in five minutes" Julian's voice was heard from the other side of the door. 

"Alright Julian but was that necessary to tell us in the room when we had just woken up" Anne said, shaking her head. 

Cassia turned around and looked for something from the clothes George had chosen from her house yesterday. She selected a white blouse and a long skirt that had little flower patterns scattered on it. She buttoned up the blouse, straightening it out. The long skirt went down to her knees and she tucked the blouse into the skirt. She put on white ruffle socks and then placed flat, black Mary Jane shoes on her feet. In addition, she added a plain white bandana in her hair as an accessory, her hair coming out the bandana at the end. 

"Are you done?" Cassia asked, not wanting to turn around before being answered by Anne.

"Yes, I'm done" Anne replied.

The only similar thing about the two girls outfits, were the shoes. Anne was also wearing Mary Jane shoes only hers had a small heel. The difference being Anne wearing a white blouse with a cyan coloured cardigan on top. A skirt with rose patterns to her knee and a red bow in her hair.

George entered the room, still in a strop about having to wake up early. The two girls, who were dressed, went into the bathroom to brush their teeth. The two took ages in the bathroom; they were too busy gossiping about boys and the girls at their school.

"You know Jamie down the road, I heard he likes your friend Julie" Cassia said

"Really?" Anne laughed, knowing that Julie hated all boys. A bit like Beatrice out of Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing

"I heard Emily likes-" Anne was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"What are you two doing in there? You have been in there for ten minutes!" A voice, commonly know as Dick's voice, exclaimed.

The girls didn't reply. They opened the door and headed downstairs for breakfast. Dick, whom was still standing outside the bathroom, shook his head, knowing they had long been finished brushing their teeth. He headed down the stairs, not being able to resist the smell of the food. 

The table, in which had been extended so everyone were to fit, was full of food. On the plates were bacon, sausages, toast, fried eggs, scrabbled eggs, boiled eggs, baked beans, mushrooms, pancakes, hash browns, black pudding and crumpets. There was even bones for Timmy! Everyone knew there would still be left overs for lunch. Once everyone was sat down, they began to pile their plates up. All anyone could hear was conversations or the munching on food. Everyone had second helpings. After everyone had finished, it was noticeable that half the food had gone. The six knew they wouldn't need lunch now. 

The five children collected their packed bags and headed for the door with Timmy by their side. Saying their goodbyes to only Joanna and Aunt Fanny as Uncle Quentin wouldn't appreciate the disruption. The six left Kirrin cottage and began to walk to the campsite. 

"How long to we have to walk?" Anne asked, peering over Julian shoulder to look at the map. 

"We have fifteen miles to walk so we should make it there in about...three hours" Julian said, pausing to calculate in his head. 

"Three hours!" George exclaimed. 

You would have thought the breakfast had take her out of her strop. George's began to whine about how far they have to walk on all their adventures while Timmy walked closer to his master. Once her whining got unbearable, they took a break on the two benches they found. When they started waking again, Cassia went over to walk with Anne.

"How are you feeling?" Cassia asked, curious to know.

"My legs hurt but apart from that I am fine" Anne hinted to Cassia, not wanting to mention she felt last night about the black figure. 

Cassia and Anne picked up their conversation they were having in the bathroom. Anne was a gossiper. She knew a lot of things that would surprise you. By the end of the conversation, Cassia had found out that Emily fancies Jason, Harmony and Kristina are dating, Mimi is moving country next week, Fiona joined them (the name Anne gave the girls who are incredible rude to others) and Natasha's mum is the horrible Geography teacher. 

Dick approached the girls and Anne went off to see where we were at on the map. Dick held onto Cassia's hand as they talked about all the things they want to do on the camping trip. Cassia's legs began to hurt as she was explaining the adventure she wished to have will she was there. Dick offered to carry her for a few minutes but Cassia refused. Dick ignored Cassia and picked her bridal style. Cassia pouted at Dick but that only made him laugh. Dick carried Cassia for more than ten minutes and didn't seem tired. Dick came to a halt as the others had stopped. 

"This is it" Julian said, "This is where we are camping"  

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