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Everyone stood still in awe, even Timmy. They were sure this was the most beautiful place on Earth and no one could tell them otherwise. Dick put Cassia down and as he did so it brought Cassia back to reality. Even after being brought back to reality, her mouth was still agape. 

It was a massive, green field. I don't think it could get any greener than what it was. Trees surrounding the area with flowers, of all colours, circling the campsite. At the end of the field, there was a path that they couldn't see where it lead with the amount of trees but there will be time to explore that later. 

Julian began walking so, naturally, everyone else followed. He stopped in the middle of the field and tapped his foot on the ground. He nodded to himself and took off his bag. He took out the tent and Dick went over to help. The girls did the same to their tent and finished putting up their tent, also putting their sleeping bags in. 

"Can we go and explore over there?" Cassia asked, pointing the the path that was about eight meters away from them.

They all looked to Julian with pleading faces. The boy nodded, taking some water and placing it in his backpack. Cassia took lead when they came to the path as it was only big enough for one person to walk through at a time. Barely any sun light got through to the path because of the leaves that belonged to the Oak trees surrounding them. As the six walked further, sunlight was seen in the distance. Walking further, the sound of running water echoed throughout the forest. A few more steps were taken for the six to be in the sunlight again. On or two moments were taken for their eyes to adjust to the bright sunlight but when they did, they were mesmerized.  

A lake bordered by willow trees with ribbons tied to the branches, green grass, a small pond beside it and cattail plants. It was a fairy tale. The ribbons danced with branches and the wind was their music. The fish so vibrate it was like a rainbow swimming in the pond beside the lake. The water reflecting the sun like the gate way to heaven. Sweet song of singing birds being the only thing needed.

"How about we go put on our bathing suits and come back for a swim because I don't think anyone has the appetite to eat after the massive breakfast Joanna cooked up" Julian said, startling everyone because they were so enchanted by the beauty of it. 

Agreeing, they all headed back to camp and changed into their bathing suits. Subsequently, they made their way back to the gorgeous place they have just discovered. The five placed their shoes, to wear after so the grass doesn't attach to their feet, and towels under a willow tree and then ran to the water. Of course Timmy made in the water first as he was a fast runner. George and Cassia dived in sync, laughing as they surfaced. Anne jumped in, screaming a little as the cool water reached her body. Julian and Dick decided to be a pain in the backside and cannon ball, splashing the three girls. George hit Julian on the head then swam over to Timmy who was paddling towards a stick. 

"Ha ha ha! You're going to be in George's bad books for a long time" Cassia said, emphasising on the word long. 

Julian rolled his eyes and went over to having a race with Anne. Dick swan over to Cassia but Cassia swam away. She knew she was a faster and stronger swimmer than him which made it a whole lot funnier. Anne and Julian saw what she was doing and found it funny too. This did not satisfy Dick at all. All he wanted was a hug or a kiss from his girlfriend. Swimming faster than ever before, Dick was gaining in on Cassia. 

All of a sudden, Cassia stopped swimming. Dick was hesitant about approaching further, knowing that she had something planned for him, but still swam towards her. Grinning to herself as the faint noise of splashes becoming more distinguishable, waiting until he reached her to start the plan. 

Dick was about to wrap his arms around Cassia when she pushed both herself and him under the water. Dick expected something but certainly not this. Cassia moved off of Dick's bare chest, allowing them to rise to the surface. Cassia took a deep breath when she came to the surface where as Dick spluttered. The others were laughing at the fact their relative couldn't see it coming. 

After Dick had stopped spluttering, Cassia swam towards him and hugged him. Dick didn't hug back at first, expecting his girlfriend to make him a laughing stock again, but soon gave up believing that and hugged back. George made a humongous groaning noise, making the couple laugh. 

Today had got to be the most eventful swim the six would experience. They had piggyback races, doggy paddle races against Timmy, who could hold their breath the longest and much more. They all decided to end it by sitting on their towels and watching the sunset. Dick had his arm around Cassia and her head was on his shoulder. 

"I suggest we head back now" Julian said, "I'd rather not walk through a pitch black forest"

Agreeing, the five children put on their shoes and grabbed their towels. Out of the corner of Cassia's eye, she saw something. Cassia's head whipped up, catching the attention of the others. 

"What is it Cassia?" Dick asked, looking in the direction her gaze. 

"Nothing I- never mind" Cassia answered, heading for the path.                       

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