The black figure

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George's natural instinct would have been to go after the black figure but it looked too scary to go after so she sprinted down the path and into the fields. George didn't even dare to look back just in case the black figure had decide to follow her. After a minute of running, George had finally made her way back to the gravel path that lead to Kirrin Cottage - her home. The girl slowed down into a jog and then into a quick walk. As she came closer, she heard Timmy, her dog, barking behind the close gate in the front garden. George jogged over to the front gate just as Timmy had managed to jump over the fence. Timmy was so excited that George was back, only when she had been gone for less than an hour, that he almost knocked George onto the gravel path. 

"Timmy!" George laughed, "Calm down!"

Julian and Anne came out of the house to welcome George back. George passed Julian the sleeping bag that contained the essentials Cassia may need for the next days that will be spent camping. The four of them went up the stairs of George's house, while being yelled at by Uncle Quentin to stop being so loud, and walked to the room with Cassia and Dick. George was about to walk into the room when Anne grabbed onto her arm and putting her finger to her lips, beginning to pull her quietly to the room. George, confused, allowed Anne to pull her to the room. Anne turned the door knob slowly and pushed the door open ajar to reveal a sleeping Dick and Cassia. Cassia had laid her head under his chin and had her hands placed on his chest. Dick's chin was resting on top of Cassia's head and his arms were wrapped around her waist. George looked at them in disgust. She hated all this lovey dovey stuff. Anne sighed with a small smile on her face. She wished that she would grow up and have someone love her just as much as Dick loved Cassia. 

"Ahem" Julian said, catching their attention. 

Both girls moved out the way and Julian made his way into the room, putting the sleeping bag in his hand down on the floor. He backed up quietly and shut the door. Julian ushered the two girls down the stairs as he heard Dick stirring. They walked into the kitchen to grab a snack and then head to the beach, giving Dick and Cassia sometime alone. The three of them grabbed a granola bar as Joanna came into the kitchen. 

"Where are you lot off to?" She asked.

"Off to the beach" George replied, stuffing the granola bar into her pockets and heading to the door.

"Without Dick and Cassia?" Joanna questioned them. 

"Well yeah. We couldn't wake them when they looked as cute as that!" Anne squealed, remembering the sight of the two peacefully sleeping. 

Joanna nodded and let them go. They headed out the back door and down to the beach. When they were a few 10 yards, Timmy let out a bark that he had been holding in when they were looking at Dick and Cassia. The three laughed at Timmy and walked nearer to the beach. The wind started to pick up as they got closer to the beach. They got to the stone wall that cuts off the beach from the ground of the village and took of their shoes. The ground was quite hot so they jogged a little to the sand. The three left their shoes on the side and ran out to the sea. Timmy ran ahead getting to the water first, the others following. They ran out until their waist were in water, Timmy only just about keeping his head out of water. The children began to splash each other, not caring about their clothes. 

"Ahhh!" Anne screamed as Julian tackled her into the water. 

The two rose from the water, only to be splashed by George. They were all having fun until Julian had to ruin it. 

"We better get out before either of us get hypothermia" Julian stated, pulling Anne up out from the water.

The warm atmosphere warmed them instantly. George spotted an ice cream shop and pleaded Julian for them to get some. Julian soon gave in a they all walked back to their shoes as Julian had put his wallet in there so he didn't have to get it wet in the sea. Once he had the wallet the four raced to the ice cream shop. Of course George and Timmy won but Julian made sure Anne didn't lose as she was still young. Julian ordered three vanilla ice creams and a fat-free plain yogurt as he had read in a news paper article that dogs could actually eat it and not cause them digestive problems. The four found a table and sat down, Timmy sat under George indulging his yogurt. All was well until George spotted the familiar black figure hiding behind a rock on the beach staring at her...

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